Traveler Agenda: ART (upper case) in Madrid Gay Pride 2017


Image of the exhibition 'The right to love'

Image of the exhibition: 'The right to love'


** Madrid Summit: a World Conference on Human Rights ** is the title of the three-day meeting to be held between June 26 and 28 at the Cantoblanco campus of the Autonomous University. Through a multitude of conferences, all the Areas of society in which LGBTIQ people experience discrimination and it will be done by addressing them from different perspectives (gender equality, trans, family and cultural diversity, intergenerational or regional) . Youth and LGTBIQ education, Sex work and social stigma, Asexuality, another color of the rainbow, The current situation of LGTBIQ Human Rights in the world, Sports and inclusive strategies... are just some of the titles of the conferences that can be attended. attend. You can consult the complete agenda through this link.


** The right to love ** Discover the talent of the National Photography Award of the year 2016, ** Isabel Muñoz (Barcelona, ​​1951) **, in which photography reflects the LGTBIQ diversity of its protagonists. It is a work curated by Christian Caujolle and made exclusively for World Pride. A free and lucid look not to get lost. _(June 24 to October 1) _

The Right to Love

The Right to Love

**LGTBIQ map.** Follow "The Future of the Revolt" with this metro map by activist Javier Sáez , which renamed the 300 stops with new names associated with the movement, from Jean Cocteau to Carla Antonelli. (From June 23 to August 31 in Berkana - Calle Hortaleza, 62).

LGBTIQ Metro Map

LGBTIQ Metro Map

The look of the other. Scenarios for difference . Prado Museum . It can be considered a milestone that the paradigm of the institutionality of art organizes this itinerary through its permanent collection, where Goya, Caravaggio or the (re) discovery of the painter have a place Rose Bonheur. _(From June 14 to September 10) _

Route _ Diverse love ._ Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum . A journey through fifteen works in the collection, which reveals the way in which culture LGTBIQ it has been present throughout the history of art, albeit in a veiled way. It is complemented by the restoration of Hyacinth's death , a painting by Tiepolo that the Museum itself claims as “gay icon”.

Maria Bastarós and Nacho Moreno, its authors , they comment to "As the researchers in charge, our challenge has been not to fall into the temptation of constructing an anachronistic story, but rather to support each conclusion about the scientific discipline of history, and to structure through these a journey of politically powerful signifiers The result of this study process is now available to the public in the form of a itinerary of fifteen works that include sculpture, painting and engraving , are distributed in a chronological fork of five centuries and reflect on non-normative sexual identities and orientations in order to further deconstruct those capital letters held by the white-straight-male view in all artistic historical narrative ". _(From June 23 to July 2) _

Jaciento's death c. 17521753

The death of Jacientus, c. 1752-1753 (Giambattista Tiepolo)

_ The stable relationship. Manuel Antonio Domínguez ._ ABC Museum. The latest project of Connections program of the ABC Museum and the Banco Santander Foundation is that of this artist from Huelva. Manuel Antonio Domínguez has devised a splendid frieze of eighteen meters where many of the options that fit in terms of identities and gender are drawn, always requiring the personal interpretation of the viewer. _(From June 20 to September 24) _

Queer Archive? Imaginaries of action and pleasure. Madrid 1989-1999 Y _ An AIDS file ._ Count Duke Cultural Center. "The Origin of the Revolt" is an ambitious project that includes exhibitions, meetings or workshops and that claims the contribution of the gender movements In our country. These two exhibitions focus on the different dimensions of LGBTQI activism and the validity of the cultural practices that emerged during the so-called “AIDS crisis”. _(Until September 24) _

_Our desire is a revolution. Images of sexual diversity in the Spanish State (1977-2017) _ . Center Center Cibeles . Forty years ago, the first demonstration in our country in defense of the rights of gays and lesbians took place in Barcelona. This collective exhibition (Cabello/Carceller, Juan Hidalgo, Iván Zulueta…) starts from here to draw a mosaic of sexual diversity in the recent history of Spain. (From June 23 to October 1) .

Our wish is a revolution. Images of sexual diversity in the Spanish State

Our wish is a revolution. Images of sexual diversity in the Spanish State

40 years of LGBT struggle: The photographs of Dan Nicoletta. Mercadal Hall (COAM). The Levi's brand collaborates in this retrospective of four decades of LGTB struggle seen by the photographer Dan Nicoletta , from the first riots in the city of San Francisco to the present. _(From June 22 to July 2) _

_ Queer Cabinet: the museum revisited in a homoerotic key. David Trullo ._ Museum of Decorative Arts. The artist and curator David Trullo presents these days two projects. This proposes a rereading of several of the pieces in the Museum of Decorative Arts through the confrontation with works by Trullo himself. have been scheduled guided tours by the artist, a great storyteller and connoisseur which is always worth listening to. **(From June 2 to July 2) **

TRANS*. Museum of America. A vast program that includes four photographic exhibitions and a multidisciplinary collective , in addition to round tables, meetings and performances with the common denominator of the gender identity and transsexuality . **(Until September 24) **

Souvenirs. David Trullo . Art and Development Factory . In this gallery in Malasaña, Trullo exhibits his photographic works made in different media over the last two decades. As always in him everything is as exquisite as corrosively critical . _(Till August 6th) _.

Karlheim Weinberger. In a circle of rebels. Museum of Romanticism. It is, like that of Margolles, another exhibition curated by Alberto García-Alix for PHotoEspaña . It shows the work of a Swiss photographer who lived between 1921 and 2006 and bequeathed us a set of images that are not very typical of the Swiss country and its inhabitants. ( **Until September 17) **

Sexualities. Eroticism and Diversity in the Visible Collection . IFEMA. Pavilion 12. The Mula Festival organizes this exhibition on eroticism and sexuality that brings together creators of the Visible art collection like Tom from Finland, Roberto González Fernández or David Hockney. _(From June 30 to July 2) _



Make America Dystopian Again . Retiro Park Cow House. American artists talking about America, with special attention to civil rights, women or the LGTBIQ collective . The peculiarities of a continent in times of Trump. **(From June 23 to July 30) **

Subversive. 40 years of LGBT activism in Spain. Cibeles Center Center. From the dark times when members of the LGBT community were mistreated by the institutions of our country to the same-sex marriage or the Gender Identity Act of 2007 a long stretch has been traveled, which is reflected in this exhibition. The different historical milestones are duly indicated. _(From June 15 to October 1) _

cock of Básica TV, Emilio Bianchic, Lolo and Lauti, Guzmán Paz and Beings of light , Gabriel Pineda and Gerardo Estrada. The Fresh Gallery . The replacement of Bruce LaBruce in La Fresh is taken up by these two exhibitions. cock Y Beings of light they represent, respectively, the most playful and the most vindictive aspects of World Pride. _(Since June 27) _

**_ Free Wee Project ._ Swinton & Grant Gallery **. We may not stop to think about it, but the way we separate public toilets by sex it can be a means of maintaining certain gaps. In this project, twenty-seven artists have designed new signage for bathroom doors. There will also be round tables and guided tours. _(From June 23 to June 29) _

Pedro Almeida for Free Wee Project

Pedro Almeida for Free Wee Project

Manu Arregui: Chelsea. Sunrise . Minimum Space Gallery. The award-winning Cantabrian artist Manu Arregui returns to his Madrid gallery with a project in which, through the video and sculpture , reflect on the gender, identity construction and the traps that contemporary society sets for it . A little gem that should not be missed. _(May 27 to July 22) _

_ Dance floors in_ Cibeles Center Center . One of the best exhibitions of this edition of PHotoSpain . the mexican artist Theresa Margolles photographs transgender women from Ciudad Juárez in the ruins of different nightclubs. It is at the same time a tribute to these people and a denunciation of violence against women and the LGTBIQ collective. (From May 31 to September 17) .

Manuel Arregui. Chelsea sunrise. 2017.

Manu Arregui: Chelsea. Sunrise. Minimal Space Gallery

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