The perfect flight bag exists and it is this


The perfect flight bag exists and it is this

The perfect flight bag exists

The holiday season officially begins and since, surely, there are some flights around the corner from the terminal, it is important to start thinking about what to check in and what to bring on board with your hand luggage. With more and more size and weight restrictions, optimizing space is essential, not only in the suitcase, but in the toiletry bag that everyone should use on, at least, medium and long-haul flights.

While headphones, a book, and of course socks are a great investment on board a plane, what is truly essential is what goes inside the bag . Designed to protect us from the inhospitable environment for our health (and the health of our skin) that is the cabin of an airplane, with its recycled air and surfaces where a good number of germs live, it is important to get hold of some essentials to make sure we don't arrive with dry skin, chapped lips, and a brewing cold.

hydrated hands

Not only the face, but also the hands need care when flying

Did you know that inside the cabin of an airplane there is only 20% humidity? "Our skin needs at least 50% moisture to stay healthy," says dermatologist Fátima Amorós , and she continues: "subjecting our skin to an environment with low humidity during a long flight can cause redness and tightness, as a result of the dryness caused by the lack of water in the environment."

The solution is simple, hydration. “It is about carrying out a beauty routine like the one we maintain every night or every morning at home, but inside a plane” , advises Amorós, and for this it all starts with a good cleaning.

"It's a mistake to wear makeup for so many hours on a plane, because our skin stops breathing and the environmental conditions inside a plane don't help either," says the specialist.

Although there is no miracle product to pretend that the next ten hours of flight ahead of us have not happened, there are indeed a good handful of allies who can help us carry them with dignity (even if that means spending twenty minutes with a mask on your face) . These are some of the best.

airplane passenger

Sun protection is just as important on the plane


It is one of the ingredients that best traps moisture , and that is precisely what we want, water, both in our body and on our skin. It is best to apply it as a base before any cream a few minutes before boarding and renew its application from time to time, depending on the duration of the flight..

We must not forget that due to the dryness of the cabin, our skin needs extra pampering. Amorós is clear: “the skin reacts to dryness by producing more oil, and that is what we must try to avoid, that imbalance. How? Hydrating”.


Despite the fact that they are not the most recommended in beauty routines because they do not usually carry out a total cleaning, on an airplane you have to be practical and opt for products that do not involve much effort.

"Wipes go well in a flight bag because they take up little space and can be used at any time, both to remove product and to provide a feeling of cleanliness," adds the dermatologist. And she continues: “Choose ones that contain ingredients such as mint, which acts as an antibacterial agent, or almond oil, which is anti-inflammatory, so you will obtain a greater sense of well-being” , concludes Amorós.


Has anyone ever thought about solar radiation inside an airplane? Guilty. “It is important to apply a cream with SPF 50 on the face, especially if we go to the window, although it should always be done. Now there are many moisturizers that already have it included, especially those that we usually use in summer, ”says the specialist. This step would come after applying hyaluronic acid.


Soothe, restore and hydrate. Not only the skin receives a good blow, but also our lips or other areas that we have exposed, such as our hands. Amorós is clear: “in this case I recommend any product such as Vaseline that is soothing. If it also contains vitamin E, which is anti-inflammatory, we already have the perfect product”, and she continues: “we must try to increase the humidity levels in flight”.

Dryness also affects our mucous membranes, especially the nose and eyes, so a single dose of serum, or artificial tear, are also indicated for those passengers who are especially sensitive to lack of humidity that ends up producing itchy eyes or redness, and that, according to the dermatologist, "with one or two drops of tears it is solved".


Every time we see more people inside an airplane with the typical disposable mask, and it is that more and more experts advise its use on a long-haul flight: “The hours we spend inside a plane are great to take advantage of to read or work, so why not do it to put on an intensive mask, I mean these throwaway versions that you use for about 20 minutes and that's it”.

Close-up of lips

Good hydration is essential for skin care

For Fátima Amorós, “it is a fundamental step to hydrate our skin, although it is true that it may give some hesitation to put it on in front of 200 more passengers”. With about 20% humidity in the cabin air, compared to the usual 40-60% on dry land, applying a hydrating mask with a moisturizer, with or without embarrassment, is very convenient.


Drinking water and staying hydrated, it is worth that you can also enjoy a glass of wine on board, is essential to mitigate the damage that a 10-hour flight, and also sitting down, can cause on our body. But in addition to liquids, there are a series of products that help improve our circulation and thus avoid the dreaded varicose veins or swellings that are often caused by altitude, pressure and dehydration.

"There are sprays based on essential oils that improve circulation and provide a pleasant sensation of freshness, ideal for tired and heavy legs" , comments Amorós, and adds: "it is one of the products most used by flight crews, since they also have to spend many hours on their feet."

And she remembers that… Liquids, no more than 100 ml. The theme of the vanity bag on board has lost all its glamor since your products cannot exceed 100ml and must be secured in a transparent plastic container with a closure system. And despite the fact that they are becoming a little more flexible in airport controls with the issue of liquids, She remembers that you can only take one bag per person that has a maximum capacity of 1 liter.

airplane interior

Did you know that inside an airplane there is only 20% humidity?

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