'The book of the future', a time capsule to send to your self in 15 years


‘The book of the future the time capsule that I will send to your self in 15 years

Your future self will be very happy when you read these pages

"Hello i am you. Yes, yes!... Don't laugh! I am your future self!” so it begins the book of the future (Editorial Fulgencio Pimentel), an entire time capsule that wants you to condense your present into a few pages so that you can relive it in 15 years. So that everything that amuses you today, excites you or makes you fall in love does not fall into oblivion.

“We were attracted to the idea of ​​a time capsule that one sends to oneself” Joana Carro, one of the 'co-creators' of the book, explains to Traveler.es. We speak of 'co-creators' because not all the work has been done, it is missing part of the content that runs from your account.

‘The book of the future the time capsule that I will send to your self in 15 years

A time capsule made into a book

Thus, using drawings, photographs, stickers, text or any other element that comes to mind, you will have to explain, for example, what is your favorite thing, a gift you would love to receive, who are your idols, the countries you have traveled to, the ones you would like to visit, where you plan to live, who are your friends...

All so that in a few years, when you get a letter reminding you that this little treasure is hidden somewhere in your house, your little heart will leap with emotion upon discovering everything it contains inside. “Yes, we have written letters to ourselves, and not only in childhood”, Car recognizes.

“Opening those letters some time later is surprising. If enough time has passed, you may not even recognize yourself. Other times, we have found boxes full of things that at some point ended up there because they were important. It is very common to forget the very existence of these 'sites' that suddenly transport us to the past, awakening in us dormant or forgotten feelings”.

In this illustrated marvel, the reader-author is not left alone on the surface, in the easy answers of the manual, but he has to delve, reflect and take your conscience out of the comfort zone to try to understand. Questions are raised such as the difficulty of communicating with the family at times, the importance of putting energy into what you like, the situation of the environment...

‘The book of the future the time capsule that I will send to your self in 15 years

Do you have favorite things or a must-have gift?

“It seemed important to us that the book had a transcendent function not only for the adults who reopen it 15 years later, but also for the child who completes the book today." How? Teaching them, for example, how important it is to relativize.

“We all know that at certain moments in our lives there are things that seem like a world. Many of these things, over time, shrink until they almost disappear. Visualizing our future self, letting it materialize in our minds, can be a tool to learn to relativize many problems, to live more in peace with oneself and with the world around us. That future being has overcome everything that is unknown to us right now and can give us a lot of security to face the challenges that the present poses”.

Yes, we are still talking, although it may not seem like it, about a book designed for children that, as has already become clear, you can also fill in, dear adult. Because, as the authors say, "To your future self you are still a child, whatever your age."

At the end of the day, you're probably still trying to answer questions such as who you are, what is expected of you or how to face challenges within 15 years.

“At first we thought it would be ten years, but we wanted the capsule to reach its recipient at a transcendent moment in his life: when he has finished his studies, he has already faced some of the challenges that adult life implies, but he is by no means completely established and surely he does not know very well what to do with his life… ", they explain.

‘The book of the future the time capsule that I will send to your self in 15 years

How do you imagine the future?

"That's a good time for you. your past self reminds you of what was really important to him, to you. It is a good time to help you calm down and look at the crossroads before you with different eyes, giving you back the image of the child you were”, they reflect.

Fifteen years is giving temptation a long time to lurk. Therefore, once the book is completed, it is necessary put it in the envelope that accompanies it and close it. “In addition, the reader signs an oath on that envelope in which He promises not to open it until the scheduled date.”

‘The book of the future the time capsule that I will send to your self in 15 years

Have you left something unsaid?

And no, you don't have to bury the book. Think of the state in which it would be after so much time subjected to humid conditions. Is better hide it in a discreet place, "so that it goes unnoticed by everyone and, above all, by you" They write in the book.

You are one step away from having your time capsule ready. Lack write a letter in which you can ask your future self three questions, rehearse your self-portrait, indicate where you will keep your book and send it to the indicated address. “That is the letter that we will treasure for fifteen years to send back to you in the future.”

Be careful, they have taken "the commitment to respect and return to each child the illusion and dreams that they have put into it" very seriously. So much so that they have notarized a document that makes them responsible for sending those letters back. Oh, and if you change your address, don't worry: their website has a user area where you can change your contact details.

‘The book of the future the time capsule that I will send to your self in 15 years

Was this the future?

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