Gloria Fuertes will have a square in the Madrid neighborhood of Lavapiés


The poet and writer Gloria Fuertes

The poet and writer Gloria Fuertes

It was a necessary decision. "Because of Gloria's link with Lavapiés. Gloria was born there in 1917. Imagine what Lavapiés was like in the 1920s. She lived there and, although she later left, she always came back ", explains to Paloma Porpetta, president of the Gloria Fuertes Foundation. In addition, Porpetta highlights, "The rest of the tributes that will be made for the centenary will be ephemeral. This will always remain."

The idea for Gloria Fuertes to have a square or a street arose back in 2015. "During the celebration of the Lavapiés Diverso Festival, a plaque was placed on the house where she was born," says Rubén Caravaca, coordinator of cultural activities for the centenary of the writer's birth. "Back then people began to talk about the centenary activities and it was seen as something normal that it had a street or a square with her name. So, we saw that there was an empty space that had been rehabilitated as a square. It had no portals, no numbers, no name, and we thought it was the ideal place"

glory strong

glory strong

The space to which Caravaca refers is a square located between Lavapiés, Ministriles and Ministriles Chica streets; and the definitive name that she will adopt is yet to be determined. Among the options being considered? Gloria Fuertes Square, Gloria Fuertes Square or Gloria Fuertes Space. As for the date of placement of the plaque, there is also no set day. "It will depend on the administrative route," says Jorge García Castaño, councilor for the Central District.

For now, the decision of the Madrid City Council has already been ratified by the Central District Board. "Gloria Fuertes was a very dear person. We think that it would make sense [to name a square after her] and this year, on the occasion of the centenary, it has come about very naturally and has had the support of all the political groups ", explains Garcia Castaño.

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