Dabbawala, the fun renovation of Luca Rodi



zero handyman, carabinero

The word that chef Luca Rodi repeats the most, sitting in the renovated room of his restaurant dabbawala , it is "funny". He repeats it in different genres and variations: have fun, fun, fun. And with it he refers to the kitchen, in general and, very specifically, to his kitchen. Rodi does not understand cooking without a bit of fun and makes it very clear from his concept of gastronomy, to reading his menu and the presentation of his dishes.


New decoration.

If Dabbawala, which he opened with his partner Pablo Tamargo in 2011, it was already a fun and original proposal in the tasting menus of Madrid, with the twist that they have just given to the concept, it increases the fun. For those who are looking for that menu, they will continue to find it (for 35 euros, 55 with pairing and divided into five steps), they will also find classic dishes from his repertoire on the menu, but with this new turn, what Rodi offers is a kitchen “without rules”, that is, more open, more carefree.

His new letter will be always brief and it will change as much as the market and its imagination invite it to do so, but it will also always follow a clear guiding line: “We want a kitchen simpler and more affordable more understandable,” he says.


Dry rice with prawns.

That's why they started by removing the tablecloths from the tables. "It seems that the tablecloth scares to the diner,” he jokes. And they continued to give the place a more casual air, exposing the beams of the 19th century building they are in and adding hydraulic flooring as it probably would have.

Another novelty of Dabbawala is the executive menu that they offer from Tuesday to Friday at noon and that it is a more than attractive way to taste the cuisine of the former Top Chef. By €16.90 , Rodi offers two or three starters and mains to choose from that will go a little beyond the usual daily menu.


The deer, the deer...

And finally, great news for celiacs: Nothing, nothing, nothing in Dabbawala's current (and future) new menu contains gluten. Rodi says that he did not do it for a conscious reason, but that after participating in a contest in which they proposed to make a gluten-free menu, when analyzing his menu he realized that almost nothing contained it, so he seriously proposed it as a challenge .

And now he does play at creating gluten-free dishes from recipes that would normally take him. like the classic rossini cannelloni, in which he swaps pasta for celery and turnips. “What I want is a kitchen healthy, with fresh product, and digestive”, he says.


Gluten free cannelloni.


Just to have the excuse to walk around the Spanish Street in which it is located, promised, it would be worth it. To take advantage of that location, he has now placed high tables and banquettes where you can enjoy an aperitif and some tapas. But, in addition, he is worth it for the plate of squid with endives or the one of hot ceviche in which he puts his years of experience cooking in Peru. Oh, and also, for that cheesecake.




The Underground . The ground floor of the premises that he rents for events or just a special dinner with friends. A large exposed brick space with a vaulted ceiling and a large bar that is full of possibilities. Depending on the type of event, Luca Rodi prepares a menu to suit the taste (of the palate and the pocket).


Address: Spanisheto Street, 10

Telephone: 915 93 22 78

Price: Executive Menu: €16.90 / Market Menu: €35/€55 with pairing. A la carte, average price: €40

Schedule: From 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., and from 8:30 p.m. to midnight. Sunday night and Monday closed.


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