12 Christmas customs you wouldn't think existed


There are those who make a wish for each grape

There are those who make a wish for each grape

To toast yes, but with gold inside?

The toast is one of the most important symbols of celebration that exist. In every self-respecting Christmas table, it should not be missing a good sparkling wine with which to toast this holiday season.

Exists both in Europe and in almost all of America the belief that toasting with a gold object inside the cup attracts money and good luck.

Money is very present on New Year's Eve in many countries: carrying bills in your pockets; filling shoes, as in some areas of Mexico ; or under the tablecloth, as they do in Poland .

Beware of the gold ring

Beware of the gold ring

In Sweden they build a giant wicker goat

The goat is one of the christmas symbols most important of Sweden , which is why it is so easy to find some streets adorned with large goats made of straw or wicker.

The origin of this custom is probably Celtic , although there is evidence that in the XVIII century the locals were already dressing up of goat to carry gifts in the celebration of the Winter Solstice.

This is what they know as julbock, and rare is the year in which ends up burned one of these goats As a curiosity, in Sweden they watch the same Donald Duck movie on Christmas Eve for six decades.

Open doors and windows

It is another of the most curious rituals now that the moment in which the old year dies and the new one is born.

The idea is to let Let the bad go and the good come in. This custom originates from Russia , although it has spread to other countries such as ** Italy and Bulgaria .**

In Philippines , in addition to dress traditionally with spots In Christmas, on January 1 remain open doors and windows throughout the day to attract good fortune.

eat lentils in italy

This tradition is deeply rooted in Italy , where lentils are associated a healthy and complete meal , to health and prosperity.

In Italy instead of grapes they eat lentils

In Italy instead of grapes they eat lentils

In another time they were given bags full of lentils with the belief that they could turn into coins.

This tradition, of medieval origin , probably originated from a overproduction of this legume, whose use coincided with the Christmas . Today they are eaten in Italy for New Year's Eve and are known as the "lucky lentils".

The kiss and the turkey in the United States

Americans are very faithful to their customs when Christmas comes. In USA the turkey is the protagonist of the dinner on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.

This tradition It has its origin in the Aztecs , which ate turkey to celebrate the winter solstice, **was spread throughout Europe ** and, later, by the settlers of the New World.

Regarding the kiss, it is essential kiss someone when it rings the last of the twelve chimes Well, if you don't, you won't have lucky in love this year.

The origin of this custom is said to be in the Roman Saturnalia , a festival in honor of Saturn that was celebrated at the end of december and in which the attendees gifts and kisses were exchanged . This tradition was passed down for centuries and is very common in Europe.

In the US they remain faithful to the turkey

In the US they remain faithful to the turkey

Some pack their bags

There are many countries where for New Year's Eve it is customary to to pack so that the year to come is prosperous in travel.

Bags are packed for then undo them , as is the case in countries like Romania . In South America we can see this tradition in **Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Colombia.**

It is normal to see how past 12 at night someone walks around the house or down the street with suitcases, even if they are completely empty.

pour water out the window

pour water out the window new years eve It is a much more widespread custom than we believe here in Spain . In some countries of South America In fact, they go up one more rung.

In Uruguay the tradition is to “clean” the house of bad energies throwing a bucket of water out the window. In the case of Puerto Rico , arrive at throw buckets of water between the neighbors causing an authentic camp battle. Fun is assured.

In Poland it is tradition to eat twelve dishes

In Poland it is tradition to eat twelve dishes!

In Spain we don't eat that much

We could think that in Spain we lose our minds in Christmas as far as eating is concerned. But surely that is until we travel to countries like Poland where the tradition is share wafers and eat 12 homemade dishes, in honor of the 12 apostles; very elaborate dishes and in which meat is prohibited.

But losing one's head eating is perhaps something more typical of Estonia , where they eat up to seven times a day in these dates. and in the Southern Italy still retain the custom of "dinner of the seven fishes", a centuries-old tradition in which each fish represents one of the seven deadly sins.

Apples and lead in the Czech Republic

This is one of the most extravagant traditions What is there in Europe when Christmas comes? The Czechs they are not religious at all Hence, inherited Christmas traditions are customs that have little to do with religious roots.

But if they are intrigued by looking into the future, they usually cut apples and hope that the drawing inside is a heart , which will augur a prosperous year.

They also throw melted lead in water to “interpret” their future as well, in the same way that they read the coffee grounds.

The world is divided between those who eat twelve and those who don't...

The world is divided between those who eat twelve and those who don't...

Eat grapes with the chimes

There are many theories of why we eat grapes on new years eve with the chimes, but what is real is that, like almost all gastronomic traditions, it appeared as a consequence of a production surplus that they wanted to dispose of.

Between what was provided "magical powers" to these grapes back in the late nineteenth century and that the gentry considered them a prestigious fruit , in Spain we turn lucky grapes into the most important ritual of our end of the year.

And at least there are 12, because In Japan, Buddhist temples ring 108 bells. to purify the 108 worldly sins. Imagine if you had to eat a grape for every chime...

stamp grenades on doors

This is a deep-rooted tradition in Greece , where it is customary stamp a grenade on the door just starting the year like good luck symbol. In some areas of Greece hang onions at the doors to attract the good fortune

They are also very superstitious, they have to walk through doors with the right foot to avoid bad luck.

The house is blessed with the Vasilopita ritual , a sweet bread that has to be cut according to a strict ritual: first, the head of the household has to cut a piece for Christ ; then one for the Virgin , another for Saint Basil and another himself ; finally, it must divide the rest for the others distributing it in order from largest to smallest.

new year new crockery

New year, new crockery (or so they say in Denmark)

break the crockery

In Denmark they are very organized a real scandal when New Year's Eve arrives. And it is that for them the best way to drive away bad vibrations is smash the crockery used on New Year's Eve on the floor and shatter it.

In South Africa can take this tradition much further, because on New Year's Eve there is a certain custom of throw old furniture out the window , including home appliances and household machinery. a delirium

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