'Trepidante', the floral installation that revolutionizes Córdoba


'Exciting' the floral installation that revolutionizes Córdoba

'Trepidante', the floral installation that revolutionizes Córdoba

Flora It is that festival that lengthens spring in Cordova through the flower art installation in the most characteristic buildings of the city. This weekend, the winner has been announced: 'fast-paced' , the installation of ** Flor Motion ** (endowed with a prize of €25,000).

'Trepidante' is a trip to history and a return home : from the selection of seeds and spices, as nature's gleaners, to this monument to cotton in a Cordovan patio . Here the cotton has the leading role, like wicker, in which this group of florists of Madrid , crimped each of the delicate flowers.

Thus, the installation takes us to the origin of the plant (America, Africa and India), without leaving the courtyard of this manor house from the early 17th century. “With 'Trepidante', we talk about a crossroads of cultures, and how everything ends in Córdoba. In how throughout history, the different trips that have been happening, have made the city a point of perfect coexistence ”, in the words of the group itself for Traveler.es

'Exciting' the floral installation that revolutionizes Córdoba

'Trepidante', the floral installation that revolutionizes Córdoba

Flor Motion's work can be enjoyed until October 27 in Córdoba and the rest of the year, through the different floral actions of the group in Madrid. "The human part, without a doubt, working with all the teams of the Festival, attendees, other artists... The human part has a weight that not even the first prize can win ”, they comment to Traveler.es after receiving the award.

This group is made up of fifteen florists who joined forces and creativity with a objective: to spread the culture of the flower Y humanize the city with the power of flowers.

That is why they have formed an authentic 'guerrilla', the #guerrillafloral , improvised and spontaneous urban installations. Also, once a month come together to reinterpret each one the same flower that they later capture in a photographic series and in bouquets that they leave free in the streets of Madrid for those lucky enough to find them. His philosophy ** #masflorporfavor **, is the philosophy we want for Madrid.

Flor Motion Team

Flor Motion Team


“All works have something special, but 'Constellation' it is very passionate. Thierry has made a lysergic journey through his inner world, an installation much more emotional than aesthetic . Your hair stands on end”, they comment from Flor Motion to Traveler.es about the installation of Thierry Boutemy who received the second prize (endowed with 10,000 euros).

Upon entering, a black box. Inside, a womb of emotions, darkness broken by the colors of the flowers that Boutemy has chosen to show a visceral work, melacholic and that exhales sorrow: “a sensation of fragility and melancholy that is, without a doubt, the source of my love for flowers ”, He has declared while collecting the award.

'Constellation' by Thierry Boutemy

'Constellation', by Thierry Boutemy

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