In defense of cool talk


The mayor of the town of Algar, Jose Carlos Sanchez Barea , has revolutionized in recent months this town of just over 1,000 inhabitants by starting a race towards UNESCO by proposing their 'cool talks' What Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

A tradition rooted not only in this town of the mountain range of Cadiz , but in a large part of enclaves both inland and on the coast of Spain; that also crosses borders installed in European coastal countries such as France, Italy, Greece, Portugal or Croatia.

All it takes is two chairs and a little conversation.

All it takes is two chairs and a little conversation.

If we have flamenco, the Mediterranean diet, the Fallas in Valencia, the courtyards of Cordova or the song of Sibyl in Majorca , is it such a crazy idea to include the cool talk within this wonderful selection of customs that characterize and make up the essence of our country? Nothing is further from reality.


It was at the end of last july when the Municipality of Algar sent the letter of his decision to propose his talks to the fresh as Intangible Heritage of Humanity before UNESCO. The reason? To recover this traditional habit that over the years has been relegated to a more rural life and to older generation , interrupted on numerous occasions by the hectic style of our daily routine and the distraction of social networks.

‘That the networks do not end one of the most popular traditions.

"That the networks do not end one of the most popular traditions."

under the motto ‘That social networks do not end one of the most popular traditions’ , its mayor has launched a campaign that is still going on today and that in recent months has been closely followed both by national and international media, becoming interested in the algar talks means the size of the BBC either Guardian.

In the words of Jose Carlos Sanchez Barea: “We want to recover the streets are one big family. I remember that when I was little and went out with my family, one day we were at the door of some neighbors and another day of others. In the end, the whole town participated in this pleasant moment at nightfall to catch up, have a drink al fresco or just have some quiet time in the best company”, recalls the mayor of Algar.

With the intention of making this request official, he summoned all his neighbors on friday july 30 inviting them to come out to the doors of their houses with their chairs at sunset. The reception could not have been greater. “That day I found myself with the surprise that there was no one inside their houses , it was a sensation very exciting after this difficult year that we have experienced because of the pandemic, going out is like therapy and it serves so that people do not feel alone, ”he adds.

talks in the cool

In Algar they claim the pleasure of simplicity.

And since then, this Cadiz town has been on everyone's lips to the point that they are many tourists or people from neighboring towns that they have not hesitated approach with backpack and chair in hand to participate in this traditional custom.

“It's wonderful to create a community like this! My petition to Unesco is at the level of Algar, but i'm with open arms if any municipality both from Cadiz and from other parts of Spain, wants to join this initiative” , he adds.

At the moment the matter has already reached the Territorial Delegation for Development, Infrastructures, Territory Planning, Culture and Historical Heritage in Cádiz whose owner is Mercedes Colombo and a proposal has been made to start the file.

The next steps to take? “Make it official. And above all reach UNESCO either by the Administration or by my own means so that they know the news as soon as possible”, sentences José Carlos Sánchez Barea.


From Condé Nast Traveler Spain we will not know if in the end this request will come true, but with the simple fact that they have become the focus of attention during this summer period there is already a long way to go. Who has not experienced at some point in his life a carefree cool chat with family, friends or neighbors?

If we change the streets of this inland town of Cadiz in the Levante area we continue to find the same patterns on the shores of the Mediterranean and many voices that testify to this traditional practice Made in Spain.

Nothing like meeting with family and friends in front of the sea...

Nothing like meeting with family and friends in front of the sea...

The illustrator and calligrapher Laura Velasco, originally from Madrid but installed a few years ago years on earth , talk about the cool talk with special affection. "When I moved to Valencia and the good weather arrived, I was very surprised to see this custom. At first I thought it would be something punctual or linked to some festivity but I was wrong, is tied to character to the climate and to a certain form of live more under the sky than under the roof”, she tells us excitedly.

"These talks in which I am no longer a mere spectator but also part of them, they always make me smile, because in the end they give off naturalness and hedonism. They have a festive point, like celebrating that you're alive and it's a good day," she explains.

"It is a form of spending time outdoors celebrating and chatting for no particular reason, live promenades and public areas, to make them ours and a little more home, to ramble without haste and comment on everyday things , and those that surround us and that do not come out easily between urgent emails and mobile phone alarms”, she adds.

Something similar happened to Marina Atienza, doctor in Valencia but that currently she resides in her family home of Javea her having a contract in Denia. “I have known cool talks since I was little, when get together at the end of each summer my family and friends with her children on the beach to say goodbye to the holidays before heading back to the city”, she comments, looking back.

This year, for work reasons, since she is living in this coastal town in Alicante, she has had to experience them more frequently and the result has been quite a discovery. “Especially because it is a way to meet our loved ones in the open air. I see the perfect plan and I think it's a social act that was missing and it was intended perhaps for the older ones because in the end with the rhythm and daily stress we don't seem to have time for it and it is a true luxury to rediscover yourself with this, because in the end it is something as simple as putting a table, four chairs and a sandwich and no more is needed, ”she adds.

feel the same the Salinas family gathered in Cala Blanca, in Javea . They have been practicing these talks all their lives in the fresh air and it is something that they transmit from parents to children. “Right now we are here reunited four different generations , we always go down around 8:00 p.m. and stay until midnight, when we retire to go to sleep, ”she comments.

talks in the cool

It's time to reconnect.

“For us it is something very important because with the routine it is very difficult to catch up. But when these encounters come, especially in summer, it is very nice to be able to share it with friends and family. For a few years this tradition was not too well seen either, but now it is the opposite, living with more force than ever And hopefully it will continue like this once the pandemic is over. We can't think of a better way to connect with ourselves and our loved ones. they add.


Now that it has been given starting signal in this race towards UNESCO, There is no other option but to continue rowing all together in the same direction to get to a good port.

“This initiative seems intelligent to me, it is to focus on what is important and it is more likely that be valued, cared for and perpetuated. It will also make them better known, most analyzed and, why not, celebrated”, Laura Velasco sentence.

cool talk

The simple luxury of taking in the air at sunset.

For our part, it is time to continue with this custom that does not understand generations, social classes or borders, only in this way will we achieve its eternal recognition. You sign up?

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