The restaurant of the week: La Bomba Bistrot, chasing perfection


The artichokes at La Bomba Bistrot

Its artichokes, a must

Christophe Pais stands as a clear exponent of the tireless search for perfection and that is reflected in the plates of it, iterated until they are resolved to the millimeter , and in his speech because exchanging a few words with him is equivalent to hoarding knowledge about producers or elaborations that more than justify a visit to La Bomba.

Cristina Querol directs the room with a kind hand, a bright space decorated in the style of a typical French bistrot: large windows, mirrors, intimate corners and a quiet atmosphere to enjoy a pleasant evening.

Probably, the best thing is a start without fanfare with some recognizable starters where the good work of this house is already sensed: some acorn-fed Iberian ham croquettes of intense flavor and battered with different thicknesses of stale bread, grilled Cal Rovira sausage and salad They make up a perfect trilogy to continue with more forceful tasks.

Iberian ham croquettes at Bomba Bistrot

Intense flavor and a batter with different thickness of stale bread

It is worth stopping at the chicken (yes, there is chicken on the menu), or as it appears on the menu Le Poulet Rôti, the ALMOST PERFECT chicken, and try to make sense of that “ALMOST” when we talk about a dish in which the profiles of cooking time and temperature are adjusted to each part of the bird to get the best possible results: juiciness in breasts and thighs where the meat comes off on its own.

You can't stop talking about this dish without those French fries made using the triple cooking technique and that result in a soft interior and a crispy exterior, it never hurts to ask for an extra serving.

The vegetables also deserve a special mention: asparagus, peas (last season's dish, without a doubt, was Monjarama's peas with strawberries), artichokes ... The quality of The Crows Farm and the care given to them in the kitchen.

If there is a space where Christophe unfolds all his good work, without a doubt, it is in the rices Thorough work on the backgrounds and a carefully chosen collection of ingredients to find the perfect combination where, without losing identity, that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" is reflected.

Ultimately, perfect cooking translates into what are probably the best rice dishes that can be enjoyed in Madrid today. If you enjoy them on the terrace, the experience is complete.

One must highlight wide reference of champagnes from small producers that Christophe has visited, treasures that are worth discovering, chosen with criteria and that are a good starting point to get started in the world of the bubble.

To end with something sweet, there are very recognizable options on the La Bomba menu, such as its famous Pavlova (meringue, vanilla cream, passion fruit, currant, mango, raspberry) or the Baba au Rhum . Both of them classic french desserts elaborated with tradition and first class products. A perfect brooch that leaves a very good taste in the mouth to plan when the next visit will be.

Bomba Bistrot Rice

Probably the best rice dishes in Madrid


Address: Pedro Muguruza Street, 5

Telephone: 91.350.30.47

Schedule: open every day at noon and from Tuesday to Saturday evenings

Web: The Bomb Bistrot

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