Los Angeles, by Brooklyn Beckham


brooklyn beckham

We're going with Brooklyn Beckham and his camera to Los Angeles

What was once a Spanish enclave of just over forty inhabitants, the Town of Our Lady of the Angels of the Porciuncula River , today is considered the first city of the third millennium.

And what better way to walk its huge streets, those that seem to replicate one after another, with someone who doesn't feel like a stranger here: Brooklyn Beckham, a young photographer about which there are plenty of presentations who aspires to travel the world –and has already completed a large part of the journey– glued to his camera.

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Brooklyn Beckham in Manzanita Street

Conde Nast Traveler: Your career in the world of photography began...

Brooklyn Beckham: ...six or seven years ago, when my father, who is a great fan, gave me a camera. Although at first I didn't think about doing it professionally, I started posting my photos on Instagram ( @brooklynbeckham )... and they seemed to like it! That's when I fell in love with this world.

CNT. You played football back then.

B.B. In fact, I thought I would keep playing. As I say, at first photography was just a hobby for me. He did experiments, silly things like putting the reel in the fridge, to see what would happen.

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CNT. And the hobby soon became a profession.

B.B. At sixteen I photographed a campaign for Burberry , firm for which my brother Romeo had already worked as a model. When they offered it to me, I thought that, despite not having much experience yet, it was a great opportunity, so I accepted.

CNT. Not only that, you also got involved in localization.

B.B. That's how it is, I chose a street near where we live, my favorite skate park... and I also collaborated in the casting. The truth is that I liked all the models, boys and girls, but in the end we only chose the ones that fit what the client wanted.

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The lines in front of Pink's Hot Dogs

CNT. That is vision...

B.B. I think I'm still learning about that, like everything else. Yes, it is true that I tend to prefer photos with non-classic looking faces. It's more, I prefer people who are not models at all, I like interesting people. I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, and I think about it every time I take a portrait.

CNT. Do you also think about it when it comes to a 'selfie'? Because they say that you like to resort to self-portraits with your mobile and the cover of this number reflects it.

B.B. Well, I had my stage, like everyone, but it's over! Now I'm more focused on other people's portraits. I like to be close to the character, to capture the expression on his face, take a different photo and make it look like it has never been seen before.

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Views from Row DTLA.

CNT. Nothing better for that than playing with an out of focus image...

B.B. Interestingly, when I was in college I spent about six months taking all the photos out of focus. It was interesting, it was like telling people a story that doesn't look quite right, but you can sense it with its shapes, its shadows and so on.

CNT. That in your college days, but now?

B.B. Now I do a lot of street photography in which I also like to mix fashion.

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Brooklyn trying out her cover selfie

CNT. Is that what you want to dedicate yourself to later, fashion?

B.B. Yes, but first I would like to do more photography of trips.

CNT. A path that you have already begun to travel, right?

B.B. I was very lucky to work with David Yarrow looking for locations to photograph lions. I was also with sir David Attenborough and his team for a week. Seeing him work, talking to him, dealing with him up close... may have been the best moment of my career to date. He is an amazing person.

Grand Central Market

Grand Central Market, Downtown

CNT. And in fashion? What great moment will you never forget?

B.B. the time i spent with Nick Knight. His sessions can be very long, sometimes three days, and continue even at night. The sets are huge and the teams incredible. Nick controls everything and plans every detail. You learn so much from him!

CNT. Nick Knight, David Yarrow, Sir David Attenborough... Any other legends you've learned from?

B.B. Rankin, Alastair McLellan, Mert and Markus... sitting behind them, watching them work, even helping them move things from here to there... it's impressive!

brooklyn beckham

Los Angeles today is considered the first city of the third millennium

CNT. As much as seeing the final result of the work, we imagine.

B.B. It's the best part, when you finally see the campaign and say: "Wow, I was there."

CNT. The same when you see a magazine whose cover photograph is yours?

B.B. The first was for Wonderland and yes, it was also impressive, both easy and difficult.

CNT. Easy and difficult?

B.B. I photographed my girlfriend wearing clothes from my mother's firm. It was easy because she knew everyone, but difficult because she wanted everything to be great.

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"Los Angeles is one of my favorite places in the world"

CNT. Do you feel something similar being here, photographing your corners of the city for Condé Nast Traveler Spain?

B.B. . Los Angeles is one of my favorite places in the world. I've lived here with my family, I get my tattoos here... The people are lovely, the restaurants are great, the beaches... Everything is so chill! I love Los Angeles.

CNT. Do you see yourself living here?

B.B. not now but why not in a while. For now, I wouldn't mind spending a month a year in L.A.

CNT. And the rest of the time?

B.B. I will continue to work and travel with my camera. I never separate from her.

*** Enjoy the photos of Brooklyn Beckham in Los Angeles in this link **

brooklyn beckham

Technical stop in Santa Monica

***** _This report was published in **number 131 of Condé Nast Traveler Magazine (September)**. Subscribe to the printed edition (11 printed issues and a digital version for €24.75, by calling 902 53 55 57 or from our website). The September issue of Condé Nast Traveler is available in its digital version to enjoy on your preferred device. _

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