Pacha Ibiza returns (although it was always there)


pacha ibiza

This is the new Pacha Ibiza.

Pacha is Ibiza. Ibiza is Pacha. The mythical nightclub, probably one of the most famous clubs in the world, has grown with the island. The local people consider her part of them, she is one more neighbor, who has been with them for 45 years. That is why, when last winter it closed its doors for the first time, they were surprised and missed it. But Pacha Ibiza had to close for a few months to to reopen rejuvenated, improved, looking at its past, it returns thinking of a euphoric present and a plethoric future.

In May he inaugurated a new season at Pacha Ibiza, but this summer 2018 is not just any summer. The disco looked back returned to its essence, to its origins and launched a reform, designed by architect Julie Capella, that he wanted to strengthen the roots with the island.

pacha ibiza

The white of its walls vs. the long night

“We have tried to be original, in the etymological sense of the word. Being original is going back to the origin, putting aside our ego and our aesthetic preferences, and understand how the club was born, its history and its authenticity”, says Capella who took as a reference Gaudí and his natural inspirations and the own Ibizan architecture with rounded white walls.

Pacha Ibiza was born in 1973 as a large country house, with several floors, White walls inside and out – probably the only nightclub in the world that is not a black box – patios and terraces, and rooms with nooks and crannies that surrounded the main dance floor and sought privacy and mystery. Over the years, elements were added that ended up losing the essence of the club and with this reform an attempt has been made to recover what made it the world icon of the night that it is today.

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The bathrooms, a sacred place in Pacha.

The center court It is still the hub of the club, but with a couple of big new features. On the one hand, has been enlarged and reopened completely to be visible from any corner; and, on the other, the DJ booth is down, has risen to the height of the parishioners. The DJ (and even more so with Pacha's lineup this summer) is still the revered king every night, but now he's an equal, looking straight at all his fans for a more unique experience.

pacha ibiza

The DJ is still king, but only thanks to his audience.

Pacha is synonymous with fun, 80% of the brand is music (the remaining 20% ​​is gastronomy, the club has its own restaurant, plus all night street food available from the rooftop and at your hotel ** Destino Pacha Ibiza Resort, ** food is essential) and the club needed a reform that will install the best sound in the world. It's a “back to basics”, They say from the brand. Music and fun the two keys that could not be forgotten. Although, by the way, with the work the building has been converted to green and security has been improved.

All the elements so that Pacha Ibiza continues to be a destination nightclub. In other words, the place and the reason why people from all over the world travel to Ibiza on Thursdays to dance with David Guetta and his special guests, on Wednesdays to enjoy this year of cocoon, the session of Sven Vath that for the first time in 19 years moves here or the special and exclusive parties of Carl Cox or Calvin Harris. People travel to Pacha Ibiza and, by the way, stay on the island.

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Ibiza white, Pacha white.

To achieve that, they needed to bring back all the splendor of the club, without forgetting elements that have made her famous beyond music . What their private, most private, More spacious. EITHER your bars that are kept so that the waiters jump over them, always looking for that funny note that Pacha identifies. And of course, Pacha baths, a meeting point, a meeting point, almost a second or third dance floor, and among all of them, the ones that represent the seven deadly sins. Because, yes, Pacha Ibiza continues to represent a night open to sin… if you want.

pacha ibiza

Cherries, symbol of summer and party.

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