Batavia, the restaurant that has proposed that you (finally) eat well


Batavia the restaurant that has proposed that you eat well in the office

They have proposed that you eat well in the office

One doesn't imagine that the place she goes to for breakfast after some analysis is going to be the restaurant where she learns that Eating healthy, varied, tasty and at a good price in Madrid is possible.

I discovered Batavia Healthy Food at first hour of the morning. The mental scheme was clear: puncture, coffee and toast in the first place I found and to work. The first site I found is on the number 18 Sagasta street , with its large windows and a message at the entrance that is a declaration of intent: “We are not another restaurant (nor are you another client). Welcome".

Ambitious? Its specialty coffee and toast made with bread from the San Francisco bakery They will make you agree and give up the rush, aware, in a moment of maximum lucidity, that there are moments that deserve to be enjoyed calmly.

Batavia the restaurant that has proposed that you eat well in the office

Healthy cooking beats the frenetic pace

So, it is when the sun enters through the windows, the frenetic rhythm of the street is on the other side of the glass, the blue tones and earth color of the decoration transport you to the Mediterranean and a cheerful Lucas, the restaurant manager, asks if you want something else.

And you, looking at the bar where all the ingredients are arranged like a counter, you think yes, that you would eat a slice of any of their cakes And what a pity that Batavia is not closer to work because it would solve your lunch hour with quality more than once. oh wait what It's not just for eating on the spot, it can also be taken away.

“Batavia was born from a need because in Spain people eat badly: they eat ultra-processed food, very strong menus of the day and it is difficult to eat well in the office” José Luis Cabañero, CEO of Eatable Adventures, explains to, the project that unites gastronomy and health and from which this restaurant was born.

In Batavia one finds “healthy food and very good food. This is achieved using techniques and production typical of haute cuisine. You eat like in a high-end restaurant, but eliminating the superfluous that is around so that the food prevails and has a reasonable cost” he says.

Batavia the restaurant that has proposed that you eat well in the office

The salmon bowl... Wonder!

Thus, a menu is created that includes everything from hamburgers to salads, passing through sandwiches, but in which the eyes inevitably go to the bowls , that reinvention of the combined plate in a healthy version that is so fashionable lately.

You can make your own by mixing different ingredients: organic seed base (legume, quinoa mix or brown rice), side dishes (pickles, fermented onion, candied sweet potato, marinated kale...), protein (smoked salmon, falafel, marinated beef or chicken) and sauces. If you prefer, You can also opt for those that are already prepared. don't lose sight the salmon with a base of brown rice, smoked salmon in his workshop, pineapple and roasted broccoli and pickles.

The Batavian Bowl “It is designed from a nutritional and balanced point of view. The portions are very measured, you eat well and in the afternoon you don't get the slump. In addition, it speeds up because it is an option to have a complete meal in a single dish”, explains Cabañero.


Because the food is tasty, the ingredients they use are fresh and They run away from fats and sugars. The service is efficient and fast, very fast: they promise to have what you have ordered ready in five minutes. Prices? More than affordable. A bowl costs 9.90 euros and the menu option, which they also have, is 12.50 euros with a starter, bowl or salad and a drink.


Try, yes or yes, the smoked salmorejo and leave room for their homemade 70% vegan chocolate cake. Because yes, in Batavia there are options for vegans, vegetarians and people with gluten intolerance. Each person is a world and, therefore, they do not hesitate to say that "Batavia is not food for everyone because it is made for everyone."

Batavia the restaurant that has proposed that you eat well in the office

They will make you come back

Address: Calle Sagasta, 18 See map

Telephone: 672.44.33.40

Schedule: From Monday to Friday from 07:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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