Maldives, a metaphor for the conservation of the planet


In Maldives, each environmental care action contributes to its preservation.

In Maldives, each environmental care action contributes to its preservation.

Nature is the protagonist of this destination and when immersing yourself in it, it is important to remember that It is not only about knowing the marine fauna while diving or while walking through its atolls, but also to be aware that, when impacting on it, you must take care of her. In Maldives, each environmental care action contributes to your preservation , since it is a territory extremely fragile due to its geographical conditions.

The reuse of plastic materials , as well as the waste reduction and the coral replanting are part of the projects in luxury resorts, showing that sustainability and comfort They do not compete with each other, but complement each other.

Life is in Maldives

Life is in Maldives


The first time I put my bare feet on the sand of the Maldives and immersed myself in its turquoise waters, I was impressed by her beauty , like anyone. In 2007 , I got to know the archipelago when it was still virgin and It was not such a popular destination. Its coral reefs were impressive, I remember its vivid colors.

Since then, I have traveled to the Maldives on several occasions, getting to know the different formats in which they can explore the islands , and in each of my visits I have witnessed the change that the country has suffered in relation to the deterioration of its coral reefs and the plastic pollution.

In 2019, I was able to notice the impressive tourism growth which has turned the need for preserve the environment into something essential. Various luxury accommodations -such as Soneva resort , one of the world leaders in sustainability and tourism - noted the urgency of protecting the island and have committed to environmental care through actions that are contributing a dramatic change in Maldives.

When you look at where you stay, what you eat, what you do when you travel and what impact does your trip have in the local community, grants for conservation and protect that environment you visit.

Marine life in the atolls of the Maldives

Marine life in the atolls of the Maldives

In this sense, taking a trip to the Maldives and staying in these luxury resorts that they are aware of their environmental responsibility , it will not only be a great life experience for you, but also a commitment to the sustainability of the country.


The Maldives islands are a paradise where the connection between nature , luxury and sustainability merge. It is a unique destination, in political, social and geographical terms. The last five centuries passed by Portuguese, Dutch and British hands and his independence only has 50 years. Furthermore, it is the least populated country in Asia and the lowest in the world, with four meters above sea level.

The Marine life It's so wonderful, you just don't understand the colors of a fish, when the colors of another force you to look the other way. Most of Maldives is made up of coral atolls . Its territory is home to diverse ecosystems that include its Coral reefs , more than a thousand species of fish, sea ​​turtles, whales and dolphins, sharks, manta rays, molluscs etc.

As well as wonderful, his nature is also delicate. In this archipelago, located south of India , composed by 1,200 coral islands distributed in the 26 atolls , tourism and ecology must be integral, because the geography demands it. The territory has been seen affected by climate change on several occasions and even today requires extreme care.

Here is one of the most important ecosystems in the world

Here is one of the most important ecosystems in the world

In 2004, it was devastated by an Indian Ocean tsunami and earthquake , and in 2016, the overheating of the waters marine, caused by the El Nino phenomenon caused coral bleaching thus killing 80% of the corals . If the level of the oceans rises in the coming years, the islands they can be sunk , as pointed out Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

as stated UN Environment At the beginning of 2019: “The fate of coral reefs hangs in the balance”, and it is up to us, as the international community, to prevent the loss of one of the major ecosystems in the world. Various scientists have determined that by 2035 , almost the 90% of these ecosystems will have disappeared.

Corals are a fascinating organism, as they They are both animal and plant. They represent a balance of perfect symbiosis between a polyp and some plant cells that carry out photosynthesis that, since the hundreds of millions of years that they have remained on earth, provide 30% of the habitat of marine species, generate oxygen, protect against floods, provide food security and, in addition, they generate income because attract millions of tourists who travel to appreciate them.

What many people don't see when they visit the Maldives is that the islands are facing a threat with marine plastic garbage pollution that accumulates on the beaches and suffocate the reefs coral.

Plastic debris suffocates coral reefs

Plastic waste suffocates coral reefs

Although they have survived the extinction of the dinosaurs and are resistant to shock and trauma, a slight change in temperature, together with water contamination , drastically affects reef life coral.

They are sensitive to climate change, water acidification , to local pressures such as destructive fishing and pollution of coastal habitats. The corals they live in a symbiosis nails on microscopic algae that inhabit them and give them energy.

When the temperature rises too much, this symbiosis is broken because the coral is stressed, expelling the microalgae from its interior, which causes it to weaken and lose its color until whitening. In this situation, the coral is vulnerable and can easily die. recover and growing back takes time reefs and, above all, the right conditions are needed for this to happen. The human activity It is great influence in these conditions.

The complex geography and million and a half tourists per year that land in the country make it necessary to act by finding more effective solutions. Therefore, the luxury resort are reacting to mitigate their impacts in the ecosystem by taking sustainability measures. By following the rules of nature you can innovate around them, as explained Sonu Shivdasani, co-founder of Soneva.

Soneva Jani Maldives

Soneva is a clear example of sustainability

So they do with corals; in the Soneva resorts have the objective of propagate 50,000 corals per year , in each of its resorts. For what they have put into practice A program pioneer in recovery and planting of corals , any of its clients can participate and plant a coral during their stay.

to plant them, cover with sand steel structures that have the shape of a spider and tie to them coral pieces that come naturally to the beach. Then they put those structures in the water, well supported so that the waves do not take them away, and wait two to three years to see the coral grow, until finally it completely covers the structure. So little by little The reefs are recovering.

The union between smart technology and aesthetics along with observation and tracking the patterns of nature , have inspired these actions at Soneva that help reduce impact , recycle waste and inspire locals and visitors from around the world.

In recent years they have opened more resorts following Soneva's example , demonstrating that sustainability and comfort can go hand in hand, as well as innovation and nature.

Soneva Fushi

Mosquito control is key for Soneva resorts

Another clear example of how, by following the patterns of nature, the environment can be protected is the successful experience that Soneva has had regarding the mosquito control : place large buckets with a soaked net from a mixture of sugar, water and baking soda with which a paste is formed that attracts mosquitoes and traps them. Thus they have achieved catch nine thousand mosquitoes every day and balance the environment in a sustainable way.


After land in its capital, Malé , the only city in the country and where 30% of its population lives , they pick you up from the airport in an electric car for later take a seaplane that takes you to the island of your destiny.

Wrapped in its natural charm, you disconnect from everyday life to connect with the indian ocean and the open sky. Nature and its pleasures inspire joy and peace. It is a space where you do not feel the passing of time, where life goes slow

This is precisely the philosophy that Soneva resorts promote. Their eco-chic resorts, Soneva Fushi and Soneva Jani , are facilities where the design, functionality, luxury and respect for the environment They go hand in hand. When you are in Soneva, the architecture and the activities you do allow you to integrate into the community and in the real environment. There are no barriers between nature and you.

Soneva Fushi

Soneva Fushi

Soneva Fushi was one of the pioneer hotels that inaugurated the concept of smart luxury and sustainable in Maldives. Due to its age, Soneva Fushi reef has been declared UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. This resort and the islands of Maldives where resorts are located are surrounded by corals.

The other complex is Soneva Jani, which is located on the Medhufaru Island , where you can enjoy panoramic ocean views in all directions. For this reason, both Soneva resorts have activated the coral replanting program , which I explained earlier, with which they sow 50,000 corals each year at each of the resorts.

In their 25 years of experience , the members of Soneva have been guardians of this majestic place, because they work with the locals with the environment in mind. its founders are convinced that a company must exist for a greater purpose than the return on your investments. They have done so with Soneva, which offers the best sustainable experiences to its guests, while contributing to different projects related to rural communities.

His first forceful initiative was developed in 2008 With the program Soneva Water, consisting of filter, mineralize and bottle your own water to avoid importing single-use plastics.

Soneva Jani

Soneva Jani

Currently, they use the proceeds to provide drinking water To over eight hundred thousand people in the world. With the bottles and others glass debris invite guests to perform high quality sculptures art that they sell or use to decorate the premises.

Today, thanks to your program, Soneva already recycles 90% of its waste . In its Echo Center manage and process their waste. As a guest, you can participate in the activity crushing aluminum cans -which will be transformed into door handles - or learning to make charcoal from the shells of coconuts and logs. In addition, they have provided low-consumption stoves to more than twenty thousand people in Darfur and Myanmar.

For offset carbon emissions of resort activities and guest flights, ten years ago, created the Soneva Foundation with the intention of carrying out projects that have a positive environmental, social and economic impact. To do this, they have partnered with important NGOs such as Save Our Seas, the Olive Ridley Project or the International Pole & Line Foundation, among other.

With the proceeds from the foundation they have planted over 500 trees in Thailand , have installed windmills in India and teach children in the Maldives to swim safely so that they become familiar with the environment and take care of it from an early age.

The fancy food is another of the highlights offered by Soneva. Because there is little land space, organic gardens are key to supply the island and its visitors.

Soneva Fushi Maldives

Smart and sustainable luxury

In Soneva, grow vegetables, fruits and vegetables that allow guests to be offered fresh, local produce, while eliminating the need for transport food to the resorts . Besides, the reduced consumption of beef and lactose, replaced by that of local fish, has helped contribute to the sustainability of the community.

The Michelin star chefs They cook with ingredients from the garden that they have previously studied to produce a balanced quantity and contribute positively to the consumption chain. If you're a wine lover or you are crazy about chocolate , even these products are thought out in detail to take care that they are biological and fair trade.

Customers are the priority and that is why at Soneva you can choose even the smell of the sheets what do you like and the aromas with local plants. They do everything in the most respectful way with the environment.

In the rooms you will find biological deodorants, bamboo brushes, shampoo bottles with recycled material. Each thing you will find has been carefully thought out to offer a luxury service that takes care of the environment.

Soneva's taste is impeccable. Behind the challenging role of creating and supervising all designs to be sustainable, is Eva Malmström, co-founder of Soneva. It is because of her attention to detail that every project at Soneva is innovative and dedicated to sustainability, setting this hotel complex apart as world reference of eco-tourism.


From my experience, I can say that the islands are an example, something like a metaphor of what is going to happen on the planet in a few years. Being areas with limited space, we can observe what happens in them, and transfer it to what can happen on a large scale in the rest of the planet in a few years.

The sustainability models that are being used in projects like Soneva can serve as an example to solve the environmental threat in other communities around the world. The most wonderful thing about this type of model is that, as a traveler, you are the biggest contributor for all these programs to survive.

Tourists, researchers of nature conservation and tourism projects, like me and any traveler, we are ambassadors of this change in attitude. As you plunge into the waters to admire the beauty of corals recovered by seeing a swimming turtle head-on or by buy a sculpture of recycled plastics you become part of the change.

Being involved in these activities, which are also comforting, brings you closer to maintaining a sustainable behavior when you return home. We go like this gradually mitigating the effects of climate change and we help stop it before it's too late for paradisiacal destinations, such as the Maldives.

Traveling is still a vow we make . Sustainability implies new challenges that appear every day and change begins with a decision.

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