Places to return to when everything passes


The Tana Granada

We have to go back to the usual bars

Everything happens. this too shall pass . And when he does, in addition to all those obligations that each one of us has been setting for ourselves (seeing that friend we haven't seen for a long time again, visiting our parents more, going out more for walks in nature...) we have another that as a society we cannot fail to comply with : we will be back to the places that have made us happy . And among them, bars and restaurants They will have to have a privileged place.

They are somehow the glue of our society . They have welcomed us in the good times and in the bad, they have been there so that we don't feel so alone or, if necessary, to celebrate with us.

Thousands of hours have filled us, have covered some of our memorable moments They know us and they take care of us . When all this is over, it will be time to return the favor, to show them that that complicity works both ways.

The same goes for restaurants. : stop for a second to think about how many crucial moments of your life have you spent in them , how many celebrations, how many business lunches, how many reunions with family or friends, how many first dates.

They are the scene of much of our history . And we have had to go through all this to realize how much they count in our lives.

We each have our places, so we could each make a list of places to return to, but we would all have one full of names, drinks, dishes, reunions and memories . These are some of mine:


May the exceptional not make us forget the everyday. They are the ones who are there, day by day , to accompany us in the usual gestures, those that we have mechanized and that often go unnoticed.

When normality returns we will go back to having coffee, seeing the usual people elbowed at the bar, and enjoying the crowd.

I, who live in Santiago de Compostela, will have my coffee again at the Cafe Venice , I will return to the menus of the day Orona or of miss Ana , I will sit on the terrace again tobacco to watch the neighborhood go by and I'll go back to the roast ham sandwiches Aturuxo . And to so many others.

vintage coffee shop

We must return because they have always been there. Always.

For longing, I already long for the cafes at the gas station in the estate.

But I would also go back to the churros The Pillar Bar , that so many weekend mornings made me happy when I lived in Seville , and the pringá montaditos of the Rosemary Winery ; to the escapes to the Tavern der Guerrita (Sanlucar) and have breakfast at the bar vincent (The Port of Santa Maria).

At Cadiz sales without which trips around the province are not the same. On my to-do list, I write down a breakfast at the Sale of Charterhouse , a stop for a country lunch in the Sale Andres , on the way to Medina Sidonia. And, back to El Puerto, to the bar The Golden. Because happiness is also that portion of choco eggs, side by side with whoever touches you next.


They have lasted decades, some more than a century. Its bars accumulate stories and anecdotes from generations that we cannot let fall into oblivion . The epidemic cannot end the veterans of our hospitality industry and it is in our hands that this does not happen.

I will return to the venice , when I am in Madrid, to my account written down in chalk and to the noise of the coins on the wood of the bar. I will return to the octopus of A Pulpeira de Melide, in A Coruña . and to Spain restaurant in Lugo , which is already

It will be time to get in the car and reserve a table, again, in Gerardo House (Prendes) to celebrate its almost century and a half of survival and enjoy like so many times.

I'll go back to back roads to get closer to Lestón House (Sardiñeiro, Fisterra) -more than a century serving seafood cuisine at the end of the world-, to get closer to Bueu (Pontevedra) and stop at Casa Quintela or in A Centoleira . or to Salvador House (A Baña) and take again his mythical cod.

And, back home, I'll go for a drink at the Paz Nogueira . Yes has been there since 1840 , it is time for us to go back to pay him the tribute he deserves.


My body asks me for miles, to get off the highway, to stop for some fresh air away from any town. And return once again to those places to which you have to go on purpose . We cannot forget those people who have carved a niche for themselves defending their territory and how happy they have to make us again.

Four hours by car to get back to Lera . Sounds like the perfect plan to me. And many others to go to martial house . A little more, perhaps, to return to The Pharmacy of Matapozuelos . And a whole day, in my case, to sit down again in the dining room Els Casals.

House Leston

House Leston

To Cuenca , to wander around to finish, once again in trivium . To Granada, for the tortilla and pumpkin Tana . Already Lisbon, always , to sit once more in the Rua das Flores Tavern and chat with André until dawn. And the next day, we will cross the river again to eat very fresh fish in would trafaria . Then, at night, to Zuari, to enjoy the best Goan cuisine on the Iberian Peninsula.

And we will return to the daily ones, to those that make us feel at home, those that already treat us as part of the family. It will return, little by little, the routine . The rush, the meetings, the calls. But they will still be there.

It is our obligation that they continue, that they overcome this; refill the dining rooms and lean on the bar s, tell our life to the waiter one more time while we find out about the one who finishes the beer next to us.

They have always been there for us. When all this happens it will be time to return and thank him, not to let anyone fall . To celebrate it, as we have always done, in bars.

Rua das Flores Tavern

Return, always, to Lisbon

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