How to make your first trip together perfect


More things depend on the success of the first trip together than you think...

More things depend on the success of the first trip together than you think...


Don't worry: all those questions that frantically run through your brain They are normal, and we are going to give an answer to all of them. we start with the where, which is our specialty.

In LoveGeist, a study developed by TNS for Meetic, we discovered that, for a first getaway, 82% of Spanish singles would go to a small charming hotel (these are ideal) before a luxury one. Be that as it may, here you have the most romantic accommodation in Spain. And here you have the places where, under no circumstances, you should book .

Of course, almost 90% say that better if it has a king size bed (your wishes are orders) and very far from where we live: whether it is on ** the beach or the mountain ** it doesn't matter, but, definitely, for almost 60% it has to be out of the city.

As for the plans, 28% opted for healthy activities such as playing sports or taking a walk in the countryside, while 27% opt for cultural activities such as ** visiting a museum ** or going to see a play. Also gastronomic tourism ( ** be careful with these plans ** ) has a preferential place for 15% of those surveyed, while 13% prefer socializing in bars or pubs (here are **the best in the country**!)

Also, it seems that the first trip can be a good time to take risks and carry out "different" activities , like a cooking class (take your pick!) or a wine tasting (best in La Rioja!). But there are many more... stay locked in the room , as juicy as it may sound, it only seems like a good idea to 9% (maybe it's because they don't know ** the right rooms **...)

How about spending your first night out under the stars

How about spending your first night out under the stars?


Continuing with the previous survey, we found that the biggest concerns of European singles when embarking on their first getaway as a couple are snoring and going to the bathroom , followed by run out of topic of conversation, have an argument and fall ill . But why these fears and not others? We spoke with an expert to clear all your doubts:

"The first trip as a couple can represent both the Holy Grail and Pandora's Box of a relationship at birth", explains Giuseppe Iandolo, Professor of Psychology at the European University of Madrid. "It is an occasion to explore the bond, customs, beliefs, self-concept and self-esteem , a gym to get to know each other, also delving into one's own personality, flexibility and tolerance", he continues.

"Snoring and going to the bathroom are among the most feared moments probably because bring into play more intimate aspects of the person that thus exposes not only its virtues, but also defects that may or may not be accepted. In the scientific literature, the feeling accepted plays a fundamental role among the factors that most influence the longevity of a couple , along with understanding each other (having empathy) and being able to confide in your loved one with personal problems," says Iandolo.

The first trip the Holy Grail or Pandora's Box

The first voyage: the Holy Grail or Pandora's Box

That's the way it is, How do we deal with the issue so that it does not weigh us down? "Snoring and going to the bathroom are problems as long as they are perceived as such. The dream in particular is an individual phenomenon that, when sharing a bed, also presents social implications that vary according to the type of education, age, gender, sexual orientation and customs of each one. Also, going to bed involves the possibility of making love, simply get a hug or let yourself rest, wake up, in addition to snoring or physiological needs, for a nightmare ... The secret, in any case, lies in communicate , talk about it taking into account the perspective of both".

With respect to afraid of not knowing what to say -or to know it so well that you end up fighting-, Iandolo also gives us a cable: "It is not about avoiding silences or inhibiting opinions, but about approach the question in an open way, understanding its form, content and clarifying one's own intentions" , he details it. "Being together does not mean always talking to fill in the silences, but rather sharing a physical and mental space; It's not a speech contest rather it is a process of exchanging messages and emotions between the members of the couple".

"Sometimes there may not be a verbal message to send to the loved one, and in these cases the shared space could be maintained simply with a smile, a caress or a quick look. In a conversation you can hear or propose a narrative leaving space for our partner and remembering that, although we are traveling together, you can also chat with others , meet other travelers or make new friends", concludes the Doctor.

Be careful where you book the Higuerón bathroom, for example it is... transparent!

Be careful where you book: the Higuerón bathroom, for example, is... transparent!


Once we have settled down with the most common fears, there is another question that haunts the minds of lovers: Are we ready to go on a trip together? According to the LoveGeist survey, 36% of Spanish singles agree that a month together is enough time to think about going on an adventure of this type. Iandolo, for his part, considers that, whenever you really want , is a good time to do it.


Here we ask Iandolo again, who kindly summarizes us:

" For the first trip together to go well, it is necessary:

1. Moderate expectations by being realistic , not demanding the perfection of the trip but aiming to enjoy it and get to know each other better.

2. Seek an open and discreet intimacy, trying to learn to proceed in parallel without overlapping.

3.Show your own strengths and weaknesses with naturalness, accepting with flexibility and tolerance.

4. Accept, understand and trust the partner, getting involved, being empathetic and being ready to talk if the unforeseen arise.

5.Share a physical and mental space without trying to fill the silences at all costs , listening, telling and telling each other both in relation to our partner and to the outside world.

6. Keep budget and expenses in mind , agreeing on the destination and the activities that both may like", concludes the Professor.

We have already given you everything we know; Now the matter is in your hands. No, it's a joke, what we can still help you a little more telling you **c** how to travel as a couple (And not die trying) . Bon voyage!

And if you follow our advice...

And if you follow our advice...

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