California to ban plastic hotel amenities by 2023


California bans amenities by 2023.

California bans amenities by 2023.

we all like them amenities of hotels: they allow you not to have to fill your suitcase with cosmetics when you travel, they smell good, they are small extracts of soaps or creams from good brands... and they are one of the small gifts that guests always have during their stay.

So far everything is wonderful but we have not counted on the fact that all these amenities are usually in small single-use containers , so they are more difficult to recycle, and will surely end up in the sea or in landfills.

This 2019 we have to wake up from this long dream in which we have been immersed to greet reality and face it. In the state of California since 2018 they have been limiting the sale of single-use plastic. First, by banning the sale of plastic straws and bags, and now the new ordinance, Assembly Bill 1162, passed in October, will do the same in hotels.

What does this mean? No hotel with more than 50 rooms in 2023 , and of less than 50 rooms in 2024 , you can provide plastic products for personal hygiene in the rooms, bathrooms, whether private or shared.

Namely, hotels will have to go for refillable dispensers.

Goodbye to single-use amenities.

Goodbye to single-use amenities.

"The amount of plastic produced is increasing exponentially, and we need to consider all options to reduce this pollution . While it may not seem like a problem on an individual level, small plastic bottles weighing less than 300g represent a considerable amount of waste collectively that the state must address,” said Assemblyman Ash Kalra, one of the authors of the ordinance.

For your fulfillment there will be a local agency that will be in charge of supervising all the hotels. A warning will be given beforehand, if the fine is not complied with, it will be about 500 dollars ; if the fine is not complied with, it could reach $2,000.

Some hotel chains around the world are already committed to refillable dispensers , one of the last to join has been Marriott International which has added 450 of them in its properties, including the The Ritz-Carlton and has announced that will stop offering them in 2021.

New York also studying to pass a similar bill for 2023 . The Democratic group, which is the one behind the ordinance, The measure is expected to eliminate approximately 27.4 million plastic bottles a year.

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