Japanese delicacies paired with tea, the new bet of 47 Ronin


47 Ronin's mochi

47 Ronin's mochi

There is a place in Madrid that, inevitably, makes us travel to Japan. Is about 47 ronin , the space of Borja Grace that has managed to make fans fall in love with the authentic japanese cuisine , away from the elaborations of sushi.

Continuing with his desire to show us not only Asian cuisine, but also its most remote places and its deep-rooted traditions , the new season of 47 Ronin premieres a pairing exclusively based on tea with which to enjoy a unique experience in Spain around the benefits of this infusion. digestive, antioxidant and, without a doubt, a much healthier option than alcohol.

crystal studs

crystal studs

Of Japan, China, Cambodia or Vietnam come from the different varieties that Borja and his maître and sommelier, Sergio Doncel, have chosen to accompany the new menu Monogatari (“Story” in Japanese). This selection, which will be reviewed every week in order to propose the most optimal and appropriate for each moment, it presents several types of tea: floral whites; green, like gyokuro ; red, like poo-erh , one of those that shares the most similarities with red wine when it comes to tasting it as a pairing, and black, like Darjeeling , with a fruity touch and nuances of wood that bring back memories of the Muscat grape.

As an ideal accompaniment for elaborations with wasabi , there is also no shortage of fermented teas such as Oo Long , or smoked like Lapsang Souchong . They complete the repertoire citrus teas to whet the appetite and cleanse the palate, and teas from ginger , perfect to protect the stomach and facilitate digestion.

The infusion of the teas is made cold and for between 12 and 24 hours. This technique allows to extract all the nuances of the drink to enhance its contribution to each dish and help us discover the surprising and coveted umami , known as the "fifth taste".

walnut tofu

walnut tofu


This exclusive pairing of teas, whose price is 30 euros , is perfect to accompany the new seasonal menu of 47 Ronin: Monogatari. Through 15 elaborations, Borja Gracia tells the "story" of a personal trip of 15 days in which he toured Japan soaking up experiences and learning about its different ecosystems.

For this reason the sea, the rivers, the forests and other natural elements are very present in his dishes. We find fish and shellfish from Hokkaido , the northernmost island of Japan; chestnut mochis and gnocchi kabocha , a kind of gourd from the mountainous region of Nagano, and citrus fruits native to the island of Shikoku with whom they make a sole accompanied by tapioca pearls, oyster tartare and sabayón sauce with kabosu.

cured scallop

cured scallop

Fair apples with surprise , edible paper and salty ice cream are also part of this amazing asian journey that never ceases to amaze at any of its stops.

But this sensory experience that shows us an unexpected and brutally delicious Japan has an absolute star: the aburi squid bristling with raw cauliflower and hazelnut puree, made with a Japanese technique that allows you to eat it practically raw and that makes it a showy creation in which the mollusk seems to have own scales. The recipe is inspired by bioluminescent squid of the bay Toyama , a spectacle of Japanese spring.

The famous squid from 47 Ronin

The famous squid from 47 Ronin


The purity of Borja's cuisine transports the diner to the country of the rising sun on an unforgettable journey through flavours. The elaborations of it are capable of transporting us to small fishing villages, snowy mountains, Buddhist temples and flower markets, all of them contemplated through the different seasons.

If you are also lovers of tea , the enjoyment of this new pairing will allow you to discover nuances and unknown possibilities of infusions and enhance the power of each of the dishes on the menu.


Accompanying this new pairing and the new seasonal menu, 47 Ronin opens a terrace which will remain available throughout the year. One more option that allows you to complement the visits at the bar or at the tables guarded by the impressive and colorful japanese maple who runs the entrance of the premises.

Hedgehog and truffle chawanmushi

Hedgehog and truffle chawanmushi

Address: Jorge Juan, 38 See map

Telephone: 913 48 50 34

Schedule: From Tuesday to Saturday, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Closed Sunday night and Monday all day.

Half price: Pairing of teas: 30 euros

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