Skopje, the city of statues


Skopje the city of statues

Skopje, the city of statues

If something catches your attention macedonian capital it's how many over-the-top buildings, architectural styles, and crazy statues there are. Many residents joke about this with newcomers: Did you know that there are more monuments than people in Skopje? Have you managed to count all the figures in the city? In some places, it costs.

The statues are a tourist attraction by themselves and this is precisely what the government was after when it launched the project Skopje 2014 to begin the reconstruction of the city. The idea dates back to 2008, when the local economy wasn't doing well and he found himself in the sightseeing a new way of keep resources afloat of this forgotten corner of Europe.

In 1963 an earthquake destroyed 80% of the city, including most of its neoclassical buildings. Its reconstruction followed a somewhat sober architecture that the government wanted to change as soon as possible. The goal was give it a facelift to make Skopje more attractive and, by the way, create a cosmopolitan atmosphere and restore national pride that is badly damaged due to the disputes with neighboring Greece.

Everywhere you look it's all statues in Skopje

Everywhere you look, it's all statues in Skopje

Macedonia declared its independence in 1991 at the time when new states were born after the disintegration of Yugoslavia. The Government of Athens does not feel comfortable with the choice of the name of the new republic, because it believes that it is a territorial claim on its own region of Macedonia located in the north of the country.

As a result of this, Macedonia cannot join NATO and the European Union because Greece has boycotted its accession. On September 30, a referendum was held in Macedonia to change its name to "North Macedonia", but the consultation did not reach the necessary votes to be considered valid.

The statues placed in Skopje , in theory, represent the most historical figures of the region, although there are also many others busts of anonymous people, animals or businessmen Curiously, they do not have plates that identify them. It remains a mystery why they meet three large wooden pirate ships on the river in a landlocked country.

The government project was welcomed by some residents and the fury of many others. Those in favor argue that the reforms and statues will transform the city and will help rewrite Macedonian history, but critics believe they are “an exaggeration”.

Not a corner without statues in Skopje

Not a corner without statues in Skopje

Two sculptures in particular have not liked too much : one of a beggar and another of a shoeshine boy sitting on his bench with shoe polish and a brush in his hands.

Its placement, supposedly, sought to represent the working class hardship , but for many the money invested could have been used to improve their situation. It should not be forgotten that Macedonia is one of the most disadvantaged countries in Europe and has an unemployment rate that touches 30%.

Due to friction with Greece, a equestrian sculpture of Alexander the Great It has an uncertain future because Athens has historically claimed the great warrior for 24 centuries. This bronze statue, erected in the central square of Skopje, It measures 22 meters and weighs more than 40 tons.

To calm the Greeks, the figure has received the name of 'The Great Warrior' , even though it is obvious that it is Alexander the Great riding on his horse.

If the placement of this statue hadn't generated enough diplomatic fuss, soon after came his father's, Philip of Macedon , and then or 30 meter tall statue of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

The nun was born in 1910 in Üsküb, modern Skopje , but the woman's origins are also claimed by two other neighboring countries because it is said that the nun's family was from what is now Albania and that her parents were born in Kosovo . A house dedicated to the woman has also been built, a saint who was curiously known for her modesty.

The price of the new image of Skopje has gotten out of hand and has far exceeded the figure initially announced by the government. An investment of €80 million , but has reached at least 560 million.

It is valuable if Skopje has become a more attractive place, or if the investment has been worth taking into account the disputes, but, without a doubt, The project has given much to talk about.

Alexander the Great on his horse 'The Great Warrior'

Alexander the Great on his horse: 'The great warrior'

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