Muggles of the world, organize a themed market of the Harry Potter universe


They create a thematic market of the Harry Potter universe

Harry and Hagrid on a shopping spree in Diagon Alley

It will be tomorrow, Saturday March 26th , at 12:30 p.m. when Evening at Hogwarts Market open its doors until 7:30 p.m. Paddington , a neighborhood in Brisbane, to treat attendees to an authentic trip to magical universe of Harry, Ron and Hermione, explain on the Lost At E Minor website.

You won't find magic potions, flying brooms, or wands to tame with your superpowers, but you will find a whole series of products that revolve around the saga of wizards most famous of the cinema. Thus, in addition to the typical merchandising, you can purchase candles, accessories, soaps and even bathroom utensils with a common denominator: the figures of Potter and his friends.

All this, with an atmosphere typical of the J.K. Rowling's imagination , author of the books on which the films are based, and with activities such as screenings of the tapes either fortune tellers. You don't have to dress up, but it is recommended to go dressed to the hogwarts style , it is not going to be that you seem very muggle.

They organize a thematic market of the Harry Potter universe

Hogwarts fashion is such that

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