This camp is really cool


Enriching experiences for children this summer

Enriching (and fun) experiences for kids this summer

Parents of the world (or at least of Spain), don't panic: summer is here and the days of the school year are numbered, but you still have a lot of work to do before taking the holidays. If guilt threatens you for leaving the children in a camp, don't worry, after reading these suggestions you will even feel envious of their summer.


The Thyssen Museum opens its doors to children between the ages of 6 and 15 throughout the month of July, with an urban camp that invites them to discover art. The title chosen for this edition is "Play with the pictures" : How many games can we invent based on the collections of the third most important museum in Madrid? What toys can we create from the stories that the works tell? A whole plastic and playful experience.

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That's how much fun they have at the Thyssen in summer.


If your child is more of a musical person and enjoys playing songs from his favorite movies, there are several alternatives for music camps . In Sarria, Lugo, the Farm of Barreiros organizes the camp Around the world in 80 songs. The good thing is that, being in a farm , they will be able to alternate the musical moments with others dedicated to nature and leisure activities . For teenagers, the perfect plan is Rock Camp. Yes, as it sounds: a camp designed to improve your musical skills, with daily classes in bass, drums, voice, guitar, keyboard, composition and rock history workshops , and with final practices with his group live. The place is Soria and they stay in tents. **The dream of a fifteen-year-old (careful, some parents will want to stay) **. A third musical possibility for all ages (from 8 to 14 years old) are the Creative Modern Music Camps that will take place in the Somolinos mansion (an old paper mill from the 17th century), in guadalajara, open to "all instrumentalists". The idea is get carried away by the music , and combine your practice with sports and nature activities . Look at it now (there is only the first fortnight of July).

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There's also one for teen rockers (parents, don't get caught).


The yoga for kids It is a practice that is spreading more and more in schools. Why not continue practicing it this summer, or introduce your child to this wonderful discipline? If you are in Madrid, MadYoga organize an Art, Yoga and Nature camp. Besides of salutation to the sun and other postures , they will work on topics as important as emotional intelligence and they will go hiking and go to museums. The food , of course, will be conscious and ecological . Oh, and good news: they start the week of the 22nd, as soon as school ends.

Those who prefer a yogic plan but more rural can sign up their children to the camps of the Yoga school for children Bhagavan, which will take place in the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees, in the in the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park . In addition to yoga, they promise music, theater, art, stories and adventures in a wonderful natural environment. Intended for children between 6 and 12 years , the teenagers they will have a week to themselves at the end of July.

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Children and yoga: the most.


After the fever unleashed by Masterchef Junior, we parents learned that there was no need to fear children entering the kitchen , and the children were encouraged to put their hands in the dough. Hence, perhaps one of the ideas that most motivates them this summer is a cooking camp. Those who organize in Mama Campo's well-loved Cocinita, in Plaza de Chamberí, come to mind, and besides liking it because cook, talk about recycling, practice gardening, and create bags , and because their lunch and food (for those who sign up to eat) will be organic, we are interested because they have expanded dates until august . Those who prefer the more media option can sign up for the camps organized by the Masterchef program, with classes and talks with MasterChef contestants and teachers. There will be camps Burgos, Malaga and Girona , all in residences in the middle of nature to make the experience even more complete.

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Little kitchens.


If your boy or girl hides the heart of a paleontologist, theirs is that the summer will serve to develop this passion. In the Geominero Museum, in Madrid, one of those unknown but fascinating museums, they carry out an exciting camp that with contents such as Catch the Tyrannosaurus, Dinosaurs and other animals, Identical Fossils. What are fossils and how are they formed? or Earth time We know that they cannot fail. For children from 9 to 12 years old. If you prefer a total experience, at the Albergue La Atalaya (Hornillos, La Rioja, 50 kilometers from Logroño), the little ones will be able to explore for a week the nine sites with more than 850 dinosaur footprints, as well as participating in a lot of fun activities about the world of dinosaurs.

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The camps of the Geominero Museum.


Do you like them to develop their creativity and your imagination , but you also want your little ones to see the entrepreneurship idea . So the place is Thinkids , a camp with 'branches' around the entire planet, run by the Thinkids Project , a program that is committed to knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each one, boost self-esteem, encourage public speaking , interpret characters, think in the abstract, dance, sing , and also work around the sustainability and the environment. So, if you thought that entrepreneurship was boring, or that we couldn't motivate a child to do so, this summer we will throw the clichés overboard. The camp lasts 15 days in the month of July (begins June 29), divided into eight workshops that will promote different intelligences, with games and varied activities where Imagination, Research and Invention are the keywords. because the world needs Entrepreneurs with values.

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Create puppets and do magic tricks, fly on a trapeze, keep your balance like a true tightrope walker or start directing a movie. These are the fascinating proposals of Circo Price for your children this summer in Madrid. Because in July we all want to forget about obligations and what better way to do it than creating the most unlikely tricks.

If the idea of ​​theater seems suggestive to you, in Madrid's Expresando this summer there will be theater camps: with games, improvisation, and mask and puppet workshops , among others, will work on perception, concentration, oral, corporal, dynamic, and dramatic expression, as well as movement, sound, improvisation, and performance techniques. And for those who live in Alcalá de Henares and surroundings, La Posada de Tin is a creative school that offers camps with theater, audiovisual creation and creative writing. In addition, for all ages: there is a group for children and another for teenagers, and each group will have a maximum of 10 children , so attention is guaranteed. Because, as they themselves say, "If you want different results, do not do the same".

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A summer of circus.


The daring children and young people they will be delighted with a camp tailored to their needs: at the Madrid Vertical climbing school they organize two urban camps: one of Climbing and Mountain Bike and another of Orientation and Acrobatic Fabrics. promise is every day a different activity and play sports throughout the course are not practiced in the e schools. Because it's summer, and the boys deserve to feel that it happens something extraordinary . Oh, one thing we like: Madrid Vertical is a climbing school , so your monitors are very well prepared. Parents, you will want to stay. And you will also want to join the ** Surf camp in Santander ** organized by the Natuaventura school. There will be surf course, route through the beaches of Santander (Sardinero, Liencres, Somo, La Maruca, etc.), games, excursions and most importantly, connection with nature.

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Parents, you will want to go up too.


I could not miss this review of the coolest camps a classic that will never die: the Sierra de Gredos. The offer is varied, but we have focused on these three camps: the Natu Aventura school organizes a single shift from July 2 to 14, for children from 7 to 12 years old. The best? In addition to enjoying a amazing landscape and daily activities such as star evenings, gymkhanas, routes, rivers, multi-adventure and even a disco they will sleep in tents (yes, we know at this very moment you want to be a child again) . It also organizes camp in Gredos since 1999 Castillo de Layos. In this case, the two fortnights of July and with activities of course **of nature and sports (camping, dips in the river, canoeing, fencing, initiation to climbing, rugby, basketball, hockey, swimming...) **, but also artistic (dance, crafts, theater, art and the creation of a newspaper) . Our last suggestion is the Granja de Yuste Multiadventure Camp, a historic farm that belonged to the Yuste Monastery. The children will stay in the rural hostel and will practice from zip line and Tibetan bridge to horseback riding, canoeing or hiking . oh! This year there is also a cooking workshop.

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Walking through Gredos.


In that place always full of activities that is the Matadero de Madrid, the Casa del Lector organizes an urban camp that this year will be about New extraordinary trips. Jules Verne/Eric Fonteneau. There will be creative and experimentation workshops, science and technology and robotics, for children to explore the world dreamed of more than a hundred years ago by Jules Verne.

Enjoy it!

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original summer camps

Let them learn the art of the circus.

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