Live the experience of being part of Hogwarts in this school of magic!


boy dressed as wizard castle poland college of wizardry

You choose: will you be a student or teacher?

When we read Harry Potter, we all felt a single wish: that it came to our home An owl explaining that we too we were magicians, and that the time had come for us to enroll in Hogwarts. But as much as we wanted it, our dream never came true... until now!

magic class harry potter college of wizardry

You can learn magic!

The story changes a bit, yes: instead of receiving Hedwig, what will come to us will be a confirmation email once we reserve a place in College of Wizardry , the school of magic inspired by the universe of J. K. Rowlings. There, we will join one of the five centenary houses of the precious czocha castle , in Poland; we will participate in the spectacular homecoming dance and we will spend four days receiving lessons Defense against the dark arts, Astronomy, Charms...

But how do you recreate magic in this environment of fairy tale ? "It's something simple and complex at once," explains Olivier Amann, director of marketing for the College of Wizardry. "To cast a spell, all you have to do is point the wand towards another participant and say something magical. Then, that person decides what will happen, taking into account that the game mechanics it is based on the fact that the "victim" always decides", says Amann. Thus, for example, if we pronounce the Silence spell before a partner, he or she may be silent... or not, alleging that we have committed some mistake when casting the spell.

magic classes harry potter poland

Magic requires the complicity of the participants

"It's a very organic and supple which sounds weird when you haven't tried it, but works brilliantly in reality. requires a high level of trust, but luckily our participants are very good at trusting strangers; after all, if you are both in Poland to be wizards , you can't be bad people, right?" jokes the director.

Basically, the experience is based on an immersive role play of extraordinary dimensions, regulated by ** a 71-page document ** in which everything that is expected of the participants is explained. They can choose between being first, second or third year -that is, the last- or even be part of the staff from college.

school harry potter castle poland

The setting is spectacular

Each of these bodies of characters act under certain guidelines , which regulate even your way of dressing ; thus, robes are compulsory for students, who cannot wear "modern" garments, while those who choose to be teachers they can wear whatever they want. Likewise, there are lines of action under which everyone must abide, such as the gender equality ("There is no reason for us to limit ourselves to romance between boys and girls or at binary norms gender", they explain in the game document).

college of wizardry student group

Boy, girl, transsexual...? Gender doesn't matter at this school!


Of the five calls that have been opened so far for this 2018, three are already complete. "48 hours after launching the website, our first event sold out tickets , and there was even a waiting list," recalls Amman.

Now, there are only a few tickets left for the shift from 5 to 8 and from 12 to 15 April. Anyone who wants to and has over 18 years old, and the price of the entire stay is 640 euros. There are buses leaving from berlin airport for those who cannot go by car.

college of wizardry castle czocha poland

The closest you'll get to Hogwarts...

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