Do you want to fly among the northern lights? This experience makes it possible


Do you want to fly among the Northern Lights? This experience makes it possible

You'll be so close, you'll almost feel like you can touch them.

We like the northern lights, they have something magical that overwhelms us. For this reason, when we had already talked ad nauseam about hotels to see them, about sleeping under them in a bubble sled, about getting on a cruise that guarantees the show and even about the map on which tips are recorded to contemplate them in real time, our joy has grown to infinity and beyond to discover that fly with them, contemplate their dance of lights so close that you would think you could touch them, it is possible.

Dawn 360 It is an experience that will unfold between February 8 and 11, 2019 in Yukon, the Canadian territory bordering Alaska, during which a private charter flight will take its 80 sole occupants to immerse themselves in the northern lights to see it closer than ever.

Do you want to fly among the Northern Lights? This experience makes it possible

And you who thought you had already enjoyed the best

“We already have some reservations, so if travelers are interested, They should contact us as soon as possible” , explain those responsible for the activity to

They only plan to make one flight, although they are considering two moments of the weekend to carry it out.

“Our team will decide on February 6 when to fly, whether on February 8 or 9, based on the forecasts that the aurora will be seen”, they count. To do this, they are based on data provided by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

In any case, they indicate that **flight time will be between 11:00 p.m. (takeoff) and 03:00 a.m. (landing)**, according to local Yukon time.

To participate in this festival of nature you have two options. The Aurora 360 Experience or the Aurora 360.

The first includes, in addition to the flight, previous and subsequent experiences, such as tasting typical Yukon foods, cultural activities, a tour of the Yukon Wildlife Preserve, a swim in the Takhini Hot Springs (a hot spring located on the outskirts of Whitehorse) or a presentation at the new Yukon Astronomical Observatory, among others . Also, at the price of 2,939 dollars (about 2,600 euros) per person is contemplated accommodation for four nights in a double room in three-star hotels and transportation from the hotel to the airport.

The Aurora 360, meanwhile, offers the traveler seat on the flight, transportation from the hotel to the plane and a reminder booklet of the experience for a price of 1,045 dollars (about 900 euros) per person.

Do you want to fly among the Northern Lights? This experience makes it possible

The show begins when you break through the clouds

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