The Louvre selects the 24 works of art that you should see yes or yes


mona lisa photographed with a mobile

And you won't even have to queue to see them

#YoMeQuedoEnCasa has encouraged artistic institutions around the world to make part of their collections available to the citizens of the planet. Now it is the turn of the Louvre, the most visited museum in the world, which has just launched a selection of the 24 artistic pieces that you must see yes or yes.

They are works of art essential to history and art history , masterpieces that testify to the richness of the Louvre's collections and the wide range of artistic practices used throughout the world and through the centuries", they explain from the pinacoteca.

In this way, the collection has samples of art from Ancient Greece, such as the Venus de Milo, but also diamonds and historical objects, such as the Code of Hammurabi. Likewise, we find pictorial works that could not be missing, such as the Mona Lisa or Liberty Leading the People, as well as others perhaps less well known, such as The Coronation of the Virgin, by Fra Angélico.

abduction of the junipers

'Rapto de las sabinas', one of the paintings chosen by the museum

A) Yes, the 24 works are the following:

  • venus de milo
  • The Regent (Diamond)
  • archers frieze
  • Marly's Horses
  • July 28: Liberty leading the people
  • Hammurabi's Code
  • *Barberini Diptych *
  • Louis XIV of France
  • Mona Lisa
  • Portrait of a Woman, known as L'Européenne
  • Dürer's self-portrait
  • the gambler
  • The consecration of Napoleon
  • The Coronation of the Virgin
  • the lacemaker
  • The raft of the Medusa
  • The Abduction of the Sabines
  • rebel slave
  • The seated scribe
  • The wedding at Cana
  • The Winged Victory of Samocracy
  • the great odalisque
  • lamassu
  • *Woman in front of the mirror*

The best thing is that the virtual walk through the images is accompanied by exquisitely crafted texts by experts - yes, in English -, who have both technical and historical data about the painting and its context. Likewise, they offer information about where each piece is located in the museum, because it is clear: this is just an appetizer for when we can contemplate these wonders face to face...

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