The car you want is the mirror you look in


the car we want says a lot about ourselves. Of our way of being and thinking. Of our tastes and ambitions. of our lifestyle and the attitude we have towards our challenges. There is a deep connection when you get behind the wheel of that model and experience that: “Yes, this is my car…”. We check it with olympic swimmer, Mireia Belmonte (Badalona, ​​November 10, 1990), while driving Hyundai IONIQ 5.

Feel that total connection At the wheel of this Hyundai model, 100% electric, it is something that we have all felt at some point. we tell you what is behind this spark and why Mireia Belmonte and Hyundai IONIQ 5 are like soulmates.

Olympic swimmer Mireia Belmonte and the new Hyundai IONIQ 5.

Aren't they two drops of water?


Let's start with the basics. Observe them. What do you see in her? A young girl. He wears jeans, a t-shirt and white sneakers. She doesn't need more. And yet you would look at her again. Frank smile. Relax. Comfort. Vanguard. Modern mindset. All that expresses her style. A woman who feels unique, that she doesn't need to pretend anything, that she's satisfied with who she is and very sure of herself.

And now, let's go to Hyundai IONIQ 5. Frontal modern, almost futuristic or very present (depending on how you look). Huge tires that offer security. Balance between dynamics and aesthetics. aerodynamic elegance that makes them turn around in the streets to look at him. Don't they look similar to you? The IONIQ 5 tagline could be the same for Mireia: Power your world: Power your world. Be the best version of yourself. The secret weapon is to trust you and shape the future you want.

Olympic swimmer Mireia Belmonte and the new Hyundai IONIQ 5.

Recharge the battery and dream.


That IONIQ 5 is 100% electric already leads us clearly to the idea of ​​compromise, that which has led the brand to bet heavily on a zero emission society. Did you know that Hyundai is already working on it and is committed to achieving carbon neutrality (zero emissions) by 2045, Y change its fleet to 100% electric by 2035? It's the same faith in humanity and progress by Mireia Belmonte, who is committed to a society in which people come first. "Solidarity", one of the great values ​​of the Olympic athletes.

But let's look at the details of the interior of the vehicle and you will continue to connect the dots. Bright, super spacious. projects serenity and tranquility. Made in Ecological materials: with eco-processed leather seats and biological paints. An interior in neutral tones perfect for lovers of harmony. And Mireia Belmonte undoubtedly plays in that league.

Olympic swimmer Mireia Belmonte.

Always on point.


The body is like a great engine, and recharge batteries To reach the goal, accomplishing goal after goal, it's key. The Olympic champion insists: “I am very aware of enjoying the rest, for later, when I start again, do it in a stronger way. Afterwards, I get in shape very quickly.”

IONIQ 5 is the first of its kind capable of charging 80% of its battery in 18 minutes, thanks to an ultra-fast charger. And the 800V battery system can add up to 100km of range in just 5 minutes. Another virtue that she shares with Mireia: this ability to quickly recharge and give the maximum. This vehicle, in 18 minutes charges from 10 to 80% of the battery or 100 km in 5 minutes (all with ultra-fast charging).

Olympic swimmer Mireia Belmonte in her gym.

Train and advance daily.


You don't have to be very observant to realize that IONIQ 5 is a vehicle that incorporates the most advanced technology. If you look at it more closely you will see its bidirectional charging system that allows you to charge and connect any electrical device, from a mobile phone or a laptop to your new drone. A vehicle of today that meets today's needs.

Mireia Belmonte is also a lover of innovations. in your workouts the words "I can't" have no place. There is always one more step. There are no limits. Mireia trains every day as if she were a triathlete, but she also practices skiing, rowing, mountain running, boxing, weightlifting, climbing... and she explains: "If there is a limit, this is a good sign because it gives me a new idea of ​​improvement."

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