Is it Neptune? It's the moon? Is it a cove? It's Atlantis, the most amazing place in Ibiza


Sa Pedrera of Cala dHort or Atlantis

Sa Pedrera de Cala d'Hort (also known as Atlantis)

We cannot say that Sa Pedrera de Cala d'Hort is an unknown place, since in recent years, more and more visitors have come to discover the famous Atlantis.

This incredible place located southeast of the island of Ibiza seems to come from anywhere but this world, hence it began to be known as Atlantis (Atlantis), that mythical island that Plato described in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias.


Sa Pedrera de Cala d'Hort, one of the most incredible places in Ibiza

The strange rock formations of Atlantis make up an oneiric landscape of the most peculiar, in which we find natural pools of salt water and a multitude of marine symbols and elements carved into the rocks.

The origin of all this? Unlike what happened with Atlantis, whose legend tells that it was submerged under the sea after a terrible cataclysm, Sa Pedrera de Cala d'Hort does not contain the remains of any lost civilization but rather those of an old quarry where marés, the characteristic sandstone of the Balearic Islands, was extracted.


Avalokiteshvara, Buddha of Compassion, on the wall of Atlantis


Atlantis houses among its rocks a peculiar history that began around the 16th century, when the extraction of the stone with which part of the walls of Dalt Vila and the Castle of Ibiza were built, which are currently a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, were carried out.

In the 1960s, with the arrival of the hippie movement on the island, Sa Pedrera de Cala d'Hort was the place that many chose to find peace and harmony. And so it is reflected in the rocks, where there are sculptures fish, buddhas, words, the symbol of peace, flowers...

It was precisely the hippies who baptized this place with the name of Atlantis, by the mysticism and energy that surround it. In fact, the cave located in the cliff served as their meeting place.


Remember to bring sneakers, water and goggles


Getting to Atlantis is not easy, because in addition to not appearing in the guides, access is somewhat complicated, although not impossible!

From Sant Josep de Sa Talaia, we must take the road that goes towards It's Cubells. One kilometer before reaching this town, we will find on the right the detour to Cala d'Hort.

Continue towards Cala d'Hort and keep an eye out for take the detour to the left towards Sa Pedrera. Continue along the unpaved road until you find a small esplanade where you can leave the car. It's time to continue on foot.


Time, nature and the human being have been feeding the legend of this mystical place

After a few minutes of walking, you will reach a point on the edge of the cliff where The descent begins along a sandy road to Atlantis, which will take you half an hour down and 45 minutes up on the way back.

Although this descent is not dangerous, It is not recommended for those who suffer from vertigo. Also, remember to wear sneakers, you'll be thankful for it on the way out and they will be your salvation when you return at the end of the day, because the climb is quite hard in some sections.

Also bring water and food, as there are no services nearby, and sunscreen! since there are no shaded areas. Also do not forget the diving goggles.


Atlantis is within the Cala d'Hort Nature Reserve


Despite the nickname that the hippies gave him, this place did not suffer the wrath of the gods nor does it house magical creatures or ancient civilizations, but exploring it is a real adventure.

Cuts made in the rock when the site was a quarry have created what it is now some unique natural pools, located in the breakwater area, that the waves full of salt water.


No one said the road was easy

The shallow depth and the sun's rays mean that the temperature of the water is warm and even hot and that it acquires some greenish tones that for a moment transport us, if not to Atlantis, to a most curious magical universe.

The cave used by the quarry workers now houses the figure of a Buddha and There are figures carved by hippies and small altars all over the walls. Incidentally, here it is customary to practice nudism.


Faces, fish, inscriptions... the rock has served as a canvas in Atlantis

In addition to splashing in the pools, dive into the crystal clear waters of the cove to discover the wonders of the seabed and the stones with geometric shapes, remnants of what was once the extraction zone. However, be careful with jellyfish that are sometimes seen there.

Atlantis is also within the Cala d'Hort Nature Reserve so its surroundings are also full of incredible places and beautiful views, such as the one offered by the Torre des Savinar (known as the Pirate's Tower) , especially when the sun sets behind Es Vedrá.

You already know everything you need to get to and enjoy Atlantis. All you have to do is embark on the adventure to this legendary place!


The (not so) mysterious Atlantis

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