What has been the most visited city of 2018?


Where have we traveled ms this 2018

Where have we traveled the most this 2018?

2017 was the year of Hong Kong with more than 26 million views , 2% less than in 2016 but was still on the crest of the wave, according to the study carried out by Euromonitor International . It seemed that it had no rival, but this year it has been unseated by another Asian city.

The Mastercard US study reveals which have been **the 10 most visited cities in the world in 2018**, after analyzing the rates of 162 cities , also based on the average stay and spending per day.

So the most fashionable city this year (which we are not going to reveal to you yet) has 20 million visitors , with a growth perspective of 9.6%, an average stay of 4.7 nights and an expense of 173 dollars or about 147 euros.

Does any Spanish city appear among the most visited? They sneak between the 20 cities, Palma de Mallorca in 16th place, below Milan with 8.78 million visitors, and an average expense, which places it in the 8th place in the ranking of dollars invested with 220 dollars per person. It is surprising that it is only one point below Paris.

It also appears in the ranking of most visited cities Barcelona, specifically in 17th place with 8.69 million tourists.

But, What is the city where your visitors spend the most ? Dubai remains the top-ranked destination city based on overnight spending by visitors . Here tourists spend a whopping $537 per day.

Joining this Top 10 are Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which debuts at number two; Palma de Majorca and Phuket in Thailand . Of the most visited cities, Istanbul has the lowest spending per day , with an average of 108 dollars.

And now yes, and These are the 10 most visited cities of 2018 . Do you think they will surprise you?

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