Quotes from great travelers that will inspire your next 'road trip'


Girl on a motorcycle

'On the road'

They say that the trip is enjoyed from the moment it is planned until it is remembered, once at home, observing the photos and videos of the road. For this reason, this year in which we have gone out so little, we are focusing our traveling happiness on to plan the many destinations that we still have to visit, to dream about the routes we will do, to be inspired by the legendary adventurers who have preceded us and their exciting way of seeing life.

Today we choose to feed our wanderlust with quotes from great travelers that smell of asphalt burned by the sun, that stir our hunger for new horizons with the impetus of the breeze disheveling our heads sticking out the window. They left in writing the deep impressions that the trips caused in their being, and we are willing to leave a mark also of our own story on the road.

Of course, since not all of us have the talent of Kerouac or Kapuściński, we decided to do it in a simpler way, but no less lyrically: through snapshots that extend the pleasure of the trip until many months, many years later. And, for that, we can only choose one type of camera: leica , that of the iconic adventurers, that of Bresson, Capa and Morath . The one that, today, continues to give birth to the most avant-garde and captivating images in the hands of photographers such as Ale Burset, Álvaro Ybarra or Carlos Permuy.

Chlo beautiful car

Chloé Bello poses for Ale Burset evoking the true spirit of 'On the road' in 'On the road'

With her in the suitcase, we feel united with an invisible thread to those who decided squeeze life to the fullest , who always burned with the desire to take the next curve regardless of the consequences, just to discover what lay beyond. To the authors of these great phrases:

  • "The meaning of life is cross borders ". Ryszard Kapuściński

  • "Regardless of how you travel, what shortcuts you take, whether or not you meet expectations, you always end up learning something Jack Kerouac

  • "The only true voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in look with new eyes ”. Marcel Proust

  • "I haven't been everywhere, but are on my list Susan Sontag

Shebekino factory

"Shebekino is a small Russian city, close to the border with Ukraine, where there is an abandoned chemical factory from the era of the Soviet Union. I got permission to enter and be able to do the report," explains Carlos Permuy

  • "If, in crossing a mountain in the direction of a star, the traveler allows himself to be too absorbed in the problems of climbing, he risks forget which is the star that guides you ". Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

  • "People don't take trips, it's the trips that make people John Steinbeck

  • "Let your adventurous spirit push you forward and discover the world around you with its oddities and wonders. To discover it will be to love it Kahlil Gibra

  • "It is good to have an end to travel to, but it's the journey that matters finally." Ernest Hemingway

  • "A book, like a journey, it starts with anxiety and it ends with melancholy”. Joseph Vasconcelos

  • "The best of trips is always the next Javier Reverte

And now that we have been returned to activate the traveling spirit With these cool quotes, we can't stop so fast. Therefore, we invite you to accompany us through the snapshots of five Leica fan photographers who use their cameras to record forever the most significant moments of their adventures: James Rhodes, Pablo López Hernández, Rey Sotolongo, María Moldes and Sebastián Listé . A small album of sensations as intimate as it is beautiful.

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