This artist from Lleida is filling the world with her graffiti of strong women


One of the murals in Lleida by Lily Brik.

One of the murals in Lleida by Lily Brik.

Lily Brik or Mireia Serra appeared by chance in 2014, although seeing her murals, the coincidence seems like a joke. She didn't know the spray technique , but when she took one in her hands the thing gave a 180º turn . "I worked in a printing house, I worked more hours than I should have and my salary was less than I deserved, but we were in the midst of a crisis and having a job was lucky, they said," explains Mireia.

One day a very nice boy appeared who wanted to print on T-shirts with the theme of hip hop and graffiti. He explained things to Mireia about the urban world and he invited her to a session. She attended and was so fascinated that she began to draw with spray through her city.

“I was looking for old properties, vegetable gardens lleida , and I would contact its owner, if he gave me permission, that day I would come back to practice and learn”, she adds.

Lily Brik working on one of her large scale murals.

Lily Brik working on one of her large scale murals.

The painting became a release valve and she began to draw women by abandoned walls of his city on a large scale . "People talked about them, without knowing who made them, the photos of my experimental murals They started flying around the net, after three months and, thanks to a wall in particular, I received a call to do my first job".

For three years he has not stopped growing what they already call, country art . three murals in lleida capital and many others scattered throughout small towns of the Pyrenees , the Segrià region.

You can follow in her footsteps Coll de Nargo, Agramunt, the Cogul Y the Figueres, in the Priorat, and also in Barcelona, ​​Murcia, Valencia, Tarragona, Gambia, France, Germany...

The inspiration? Scenery Y looks . “I always base myself on looks, small gestures, dim lights, paleness… I have always liked subtlety, and although it seems incongruous due to the size of my murals, discretion is also there”, adds Lily Brik to

The artist create murals with a own style and in which the woman stands out above anything else, she points out that it is about strong women . “I paint strong women, convinced of who they are, sweet, sensitive, with a gaze that penetrates your interior and conveys conviction. Beautiful ladies , not because of her outfit but because of her nature, sometimes a bit wild ”.

In fact from a powerful woman he has borrowed her name, lily brik , Russian writer, director and film producer, and muse of the photographer Aleksandr Rodchenko during the Second World War . You will remember her for starring in the photograph of the "cry of the century".


She has changed her life so much that the next May 18 will compete against others 9 artists in the Graffiti without Gravity of the European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, Holland, to get paint in zero gravity.

How? Putting into practice the technique that you know best: the spray technique. "There is no school that teaches you, therefore you never stop learning, you are guided by mistakes and everything you acquire is self-taught."

Parallel to the contest, Lily continues to work on a 175 m2 wall in the village of cogul, les Garrigues , where she will have to reinterpret, the Rock of the Moors, Neolithic and Paleolithic cave paintings found in the town and declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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