Love letter to big cities


What yes, what the city is for me . Because here you are nobody and you can be whoever you want.

Because the city is an island that never ends and an adolescence that stretches like gum. Because here certainties, the fair ones. And the kisses, chaotic. And Saturday nights can also be called Wednesdays. And the noons are from beer cane and tortilla skewer , please. But juicy, always juicy.

The actress Abril Zamora in an image from Chapter 3 of Everything Else

Abril Zamora (Dafne) discovers everything else in the big city.

Because the asphalt jungle is a wild bet where sometimes the law of desire, sometimes what have I done to deserve this and sometimes, you know, everything else . That is, the series of April Zamora , where a group of thirtysomething they feel trapped in precarious lives that are nothing like the ones they had dreamed of, and yet they cling to that limitless city with the faith that tomorrow will be another day, and tomorrow there will be another. tortilla stick and tomorrow another crazy adventure and another bump and other laughter between friends who know your flaws from top to bottom and still they want you to rage.

Because the city, like everything else , is a roller coaster of emotions and a puzzle of identities . Because the soul of the city is not made for cowards. And you know. Because here no one fits in the closet . And maybe your cousin doesn't understand you and tells you that if there are too many people in the city, if the price of rents is devastating, if you're more alone than one... But what she doesn't know is that in the city the family is called a tribe . And the tribe is a chosen family that you gives life.

Photo from the third episode of Everything Else on HBO Max with the main cast.

Long live the tribe, especially when it is the one we choose.

because in the city there is an open bar of skins and fur . And you invent the links and sometimes they don't have a name. And that? Because here is you without questions . Or better still, because you are going to answer the questions however you want, since you have understood once and for all that coherence It is a highly overrated virtue. . Because you love to go on picnics, I know, but you're more urban than traffic lights and you don't have a driver's license either, nor do you need to.

And for what, yes the city is to walk it and never finish it , if the city is to run with taxis and elegantly raise your arm and invoke the green light of the available cars like someone who stops time and prays to Saint Jude Thaddeus , which is the pattern of impossible causes. Because sometimes that's what cities look like to you, impossible and irremediable causes full of expectations and adrenaline hearts.

Because from here I confess and I don't hide, it was the city that made me taxi maniac and to me the glamor of breakfast with diamonds gives it to me a traditional churrería . And some cheers please, with thick burning chocolate , that with a hangover the body asks me for everything very sweet and extra sugar.

And it's true, I admit it, sometimes on the subway hipsters we behave like bubbles; we pretend we don't see or hear each other, we pretend we're not surrounded by crowds, but if you burst into tears there will always be someone by your side to take out a Kleenex and touch your arm with generous modesty.

Because sometimes it seems that people suck, but it isn't true . And it is that the city is for me because, like Blanche Du Bois in A Streetcar Named Desire I have always relied on the kindness of strangers. Because here the owner of the bar downstairs always knows before I do if my Tinder date is or my Tinder date is not. Because he knows me . Because to know each other you need more desire than time and the city is full of people who drink life because the day after tomorrow they will be somewhere else.

Abril Zamora in an image from the third chapter of Everything Else

Bars, what places (where they are going to treat you better).

And because today for you, tomorrow for me . Like my neighbor the retired violinist, who brings me a bowl of lentils every time I crash into the hollow heart of a handsome man. And I assure you that he knows his thing about handsome men. Because his passions are divided between Rocío Jurado, Rachmaninov and the firefighters.

Because here all the waiters are actors and the delivery men are poets. Because today vermouth and tomorrow absinthe , and after all light, very light, and don't you dare ask me for consistency because I'm detox . Because sometimes lentils and tomorrow ramen . Because poké today and chilindrón chicken tomorrow . Because there are dark nights when all cats are brown, and I more than any. Meow!

But in the sunsets , from rooftops from the tallest buildings the city skyline stretches out beyond sight and the city looks like a ship about to set sail. There are no skies as beautiful (or polluted) as those of big cities. It is a fact. Because if, how hard the city is, but don't take it away from me . Now if that's what you send me a postcard from your neo-rural paradise. but you know that I prefer you to three metro stops and take off a sweater, they won't move us from this terrace.

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