Bellas de pueblo: Spanish cosmetics that take us to the countryside


The beauty that leads us to the village

The firm Bravanariz takes you on an olfactory excursion.

We want to field walks at sunset around our towns, early excursions to visit places full of fragrant plants, herbs and flowers... From lunches on the banks of streams, next to wild coves, in the woods and even in the often misunderstood arid landscapes of the plateau.

Until that long-awaited moment arrives, Let's discover those artisan cosmetic firms that enjoy collecting the most delicious from each region and putting it in (ecological) jars or composing bars of soap and salts for our delight.

through these projects respectful with the environment, we know better the natural values ​​of our land (and we treat ourselves to the body). Let's go?

The beauty that leads us to the village

Matarrania: cosmetics made in Aragon.

Matarrania: Teruel exists (and it smells of thyme, hypericum, lavender...)

This natural firm – 100% of its ingredients are certified organic – offers us products that do not contain water, since 100% are active ingredients. All the plant extracts they use are self-made and highly concentrated. They are made by hand in the Aragonese region of Matarraña and are designed for the whole family.

"Our formulas are for those who want to take care of their skin in a natural and respectful way, both with their own health and that of the planet. Our consumers look for quality, efficiency and honesty, and on many occasions also a form of responsible consumption, since our project is very committed at an ecological and sustainable level", María García, from the firm, tells us.

The beauty that leads us to the village

The nature of the Matarraña region, a source of inspiration.

"Our cosmetics, in general, have a clear wild and Mediterranean air, typical of the environment in which we are and that gives us our name, the Matarraña region. We use a magnificent organic extra virgin olive oil from Bajo Aragón as a base, in which we macerate plants collected in our territory, which has a very well preserved community of wild plants. We are firmly committed to km 0, prioritizing ingredients and nearby plants that are identified with our rural environment: rosemary, thyme, hypericum, calendula, lavender...".

The beauty that leads us to the village

Some firms made in Spain take us to the most aromatic places on the peninsula.

SeaSkin Life: Menorcan saltpetre, Murcian aloe vera, Asturian honey...

Its founder, Olaya García, calls her concept 'modern Mediterranean wellness'. "It corresponds to our way of life," she stresses. She created the firm in 2008 as a result of an intolerance to petroleum derivatives in some cosmetic products and, little by little, she wanted to develop a more holistic approach to life, which also includes protocols in boutique hotel spa cabins, as well as at home.

Part of her creative staff is in Barcelona, ​​where she lived when she began the adventure, but Olaya moved to Mallorca and transferred all the production and warehouse to Oviedo, where she was born she. Her amenities are also present in five-star hotel chains and some small four-star hotels, especially in the Balearic Islands, where they are in close contact "with that client who is looking for something special and of better quality". And she adds: "Our value is sustainability and the km 0 philosophy, our amenities are filled so as not to waste packaging."

The beauty that leads us to the village

We are looking forward to the field!

Among its delicious ingredients, organic almond oil from Mallorca –“we turn them into an exquisite formula, a delight for the skin”–, artisan salts from Fornells, Menorca –turned into posidonic scrubs– and a marine concentrate for her star product, which is patented: a union of the sea of ​​Menorca with ancient rainwater, now transformed into medicinal water from the thermal spa of Caldas de Asturias.

Also aloe vera from the Águilas de Murcia biosphere reserve and honey, beeswax... "My family has owned La Casa del Apicultor in Oviedo for more than 35 years, it is there where we compose and we manufacture in an artisanal way, with a lot of love, even taking into account the lunar phase to give more energy to manufacturing”.

The beauty that leads us to the village

A walk to the south?

Andalusian: the benefits of the south

This firm, 100% Spanish, 100% handmade and natural, is mainly aimed at those with problems such as sensitive or dry skin, who are looking for a solution for their care from a natural perspective. All its products are handmade and are made with natural ingredients from an agriculture that respects the environment, sustainable, organic and free of all kinds of chemical agents.

“To reach this result, we have spent the last five years visiting farms, orchards and mills in search of not only organic ingredients, but the highest quality in the region,” Rebekah Pantaleón, from the firm, tells us.

The beauty that leads us to the village

The best of Andalusia, in the formula and in the packaging.

His olfactory journey, how could it be otherwise, is to Andalusia. "In fact, It was ingredients like lavender, lemon, orange and olive, which grow so prolifically on this land, that inspired the brand and its line of products. We wanted to capture its impressive beauty, share the experience and transmit the benefits of the Andalusian countryside”.

They all contain ingredients from there, such as olive oil from Casabermeja, flowers from Álora and essential oils from Seville.

The beauty that leads us to the village

Natural soaps, textures from before... a luxury for the body.

Palmaria Mallorca: the sea and the island in a bottle

Markus Elter, one of the creators and director of this firm, sums up his adventure as follows: “From the beginning, we wanted to create fragrances for both Mallorcans and people from all over the world. We did not want to develop a mere souvenir at all, but a sophisticated and high-quality product with a direct relationship with the island.

wanted incorporate the aromas and colors of Mallorca in quality products that express the cultural heritage and history. “We were looking for a classic-contemporary look. That's why the packaging shows ornaments from the facades of the palaces of Mallorca and in the round logo we integrate prints of the mosaics of the La Seu cathedral and the waves of the coat of arms of Palma”.

The beauty that leads us to the village

The fragrance of Mallorca in a bottle.

“We thought about what aroma to associate with Mallorca and we immediately came to the conclusion that orange blossom would be the right one. It is a scent that is easily found anywhere on the island. In addition, it is a tribute to the classic colognes of Mediterranean origin. Our second line, Terra de Flors, transforms the skin into a garden full of floral aromas, unique and distinguished".

"All our fragrances are very different but they have one thing in common: they tell a story and create an atmosphere reminiscent of Mallorca”.

The beauty that leads us to the village

Rowse's philosophy is that in nature we find everything we need.

Rowse: a bucolic dream

Nature gives us everything we need. This is the philosophy of Nurial Val and Gabriela Salord, creators of this firm. "Rowse's mission is to connect people to the planet through its products and develop a dialogue with a love of nature as its foundation," The photographer and model Nuria Val tells us about the firm that she created in 2018 together with Gabriela. They were introduced by a friend and they immediately decided that they would focus on responsible search for the most versatile ingredients to create recipes suitable for hair, face, neck, body, nails...

The beauty that leads us to the village

Organic and delicious soaps, from Rowse.

His main inspiration is nature and the undisguisable traveling spirit. In their collection of solid soaps and shampoos they have created reusable containers without plastic, concentrated formulas without water and 100% non-toxic ingredients of plant origin. We love its details: for example, its highly valued Green Aventurine roller and gua sha (facial massagers) come in a reusable handmade organic jute case.

The beauty that leads us to the village

An excursion to the rural world, through cosmetics.

Its products are 100% natural and environmentally friendly and are formulated with plants and fruits from around the world. Of course, Many of them are peninsular and are inspired by classic Mediterranean recipes: rosemary, thyme and lemon soaps, bay leaves and olive oil... also orange and lemon in their oils. Beautiful products in the most beautiful packaging possible.

The beauty that leads us to the village

Position yourself as nature, the philosophy of Bravanariz.

Bravanariz: an immersion in the aromas of Alt Empurdá

What is the DNA of this firm that invites us to listen to the sounds of nature and get drunk with the aromas of the Empurdá? “The one that we share with the rest of the living beings, with plants above all”, Ernesto Collado, its founder, tells us. “We are nature, although we do not stop doing a thousand absurd things to forget it”.

“The firm is dedicated to capturing the aromatic essence of the landscapes that move us to help reconnect with that nature through smell, our most primitive and animal sense”. They are addressed, he explains, “to everyone who wants to be happier and live life with greater intensity” (who is going to say no?). Your intention is help us to enrich the perception of the world around us, "to stop watching life go by and stick our noses in (in a good way)". It is not just a perfume, but a way to position yourself, to be part of it.

Its ingredients do not take us to a specific area of ​​the peninsula, but to many. “It is at the heart of the project to capture concrete landscapes. I would highlight the Landscape Scents family. For example, Bosc captures the wooded mountains of La Albera and Les Salines, on the border with France. Muga, the exuberance of spring in the Alt Empordá plain and Cala, the coastal paths of the Costa Brava”.

The beauty that leads us to the village

The Valencian orchard is the protagonist in the Maminat firm.

Maminat: trip to the Valencian orchard

"We propose a walk through the Mediterranean forest with plants such as rosemary, lavender and almonds, which are present in many of our creams and in some shampoos", Natalia Olmo tells us, who created this niche firm because she suffered from cosmetic pimples as a reaction to the composition of certain beauty products.

"Maminat makes a tribute to the Valencian Community, full of orchards and full of orange, lemon and various citrus trees. In fact, we have a gel and a body cream called Terreta; they contain many citrus fruits and terreta is the affectionate name with which Valencians refer to their land. We use the orange blossom, the orange blossom, in many formulations: regenerating serum, virginal milk, in some shampoos…”.

The beauty that leads us to the village

Citrus and other natural ingredients, in eco packaging.

His followers, they explain, value natural and organic cosmetics and want to get it at a fair price, he adds, without having to pay a lot for it. “We address those who they are aware of the environment and prefer to use a glass jar that they will later reuse before another type of container that they will not give a second life to”.

The beauty that leads us to the village

The breeze, the saltpeter... the aroma of the Pitiusa island, in a bottle.

Herbs from Ibiza: the Ibizan talisman

Who would not want to always carry with them the aromas and that feeling of enjoyment of the Pitiusa island? The Fresh Cologne Water of this firm, its most emblematic item, incorporates various essential oils distilled on site from sage, rosemary and thyme. They also get essential oils from oranges and lemons grown on the island.

"They all are Proximity products and organic farming, free of any pesticide. They take us to those dawns of fresh and clean air”, Antonio Torres, from the brand, tells us. “Those days, which are not few throughout the year, and that make me think: It's an outrageously beautiful day today."

The beauty that leads us to the village

The firm Hierbas de Ibiza is inspired by the freshness of the island.

Their Bath Salts are also a highly evocative product, for being made with native salt. “They take us to their place of origin, the emblematic Salinas de Ibiza. Before the tourism boom, they were one of the island's main sources of income. And they are some salt mines with a certain history: they were already exploited by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC.”

Luxury for Antonio is not in sophistication or ostentation but in authenticity. “He usually buys our formulas for vital people who like to enjoy life (enjoyable), the fragrance gives them a boost (or high) of well-being and joy. Also, there are many lovers of the island who have this fragrance as a talisman. It is a way of feeling the island close to you and our slogan –Ibiza is inside you– sums it up quite well”.

Although, he points out, they also export to half the world and many faithful to the fragrance have never set foot on the island. “Could it be that they like its fresh fragrance (and the olfactory notes provided by native plants). Or that they have, without knowing it, a Mediterranean soul”.

The beauty that leads us to the village

Archangela: pure ingredients and passion for the Mediterranean.

Archangela: the power of borage oil and red vine

It all started as a personal project for my own use and ended up becoming high natural cosmetics made in Spain. “From a medical knowledge of the skin and its importance in our relationship with the environment, its properties and its needs, we investigate the world of the best assets that nature offered us”, recalls Dr. Mª José Martínez.

“We were not worried about being profitable, yes follow an organic line with eco-responsible consumption. From flowers, fruits, seeds, algae, rocks... we extract the subtle sugars that absorb the water that keeps our epidermis hydrated or the powerful enzymes that catalyze the reactions that aging or photo-damage try to block”.

The doctor has great satisfaction for a curious conquest: "Many consumers who usually buy products from luxury firms have switched to ours -or have begun to combine them- after testing the efficacy of our products, either because they have been recommended or by a good prescriber”.

Among its ingredients there is a delicious range of Mediterranean active ingredients such as borage oil, evening primrose oil, red vine, mallow, flax...

The beauty that leads us to the village

Alice in Beautyland promotes conscious beauty.

Alice in beautyland: rosemary, sage and olive wax

This firm with an evocative name was born from the desire to create a natural cosmetic line for “those women who want to discover the originality of their own beauty, Far from stereotypical perfection. Inspired by Lewis Carroll's Alice, “that curious, confident and independent girl, so far removed from those perfect storybook princesses waiting to be rescued. Authentic and non-conformist, that she lives life as a great adventure, always looking for new perspectives”, explains Eva Raya, cosmetologist and co-creator of the cosmetic brand with her sister Aroa.

“We like to create products with special or exotic active ingredients, combining them with native ingredients. We work with national suppliers and with producers who do the processing in Spain. The ingredients depend a lot on the crops, but the Spanish are prioritized. Here we have raw materials of the highest quality”.

For example, their Make my day facial moisturizer contains orange blossom hydrosol from the southeastern part of the peninsula as one of the base ingredients, grape seed oil from the Mediterranean coast and other national ingredients such as olive wax, almond oil, rosemary extract and clary sage with which continuous hydration is achieved for 24 hours.

“We address ourselves to those who are looking for something more than a quality product, to people who want to respect the balance and well-being of their skin, who are informed and believe in the power of nature in balance with science.

The beauty that leads us to the village

Rosemary, one of Rowse's signature natural ingredients.

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