Qatar Airways introduces full protective suits among its crew


Qatar Airways Crew

Personal protective equipment, gloves, glasses and masks. This is how the new Qatar Airways crew will dress.

In recent months, flight companies have had to reinvent themselves to continue guaranteeing safety. All measures are few, which is why Qatar Airways has decided to take the protection of its crew one step further. For this, the company has decided deliver personal protective equipment (PPE) in the cabin while they are on board.

To maintain confidence in their flights, they will have a suit that covers the whole body for complete protection. Not only that, the staff will be equipped with safety glasses, gloves and mask , thus ensuring the calm of the passengers.

It will be from May 25 when customers have to use the mask if they want to fly, although the company advises that everyone bring their own to speed up the process and for comfort reasons.

Even so, far from falling short, Qatar Airways has reinforced the rest of the measures in terms of operation. in economy class, cutlery has always been served sealed , and now it is also extended to business class, with the aim that contact between staff and passengers is reduced . In the latter, in addition, the food will no longer be served at a table for be served on a platter.

The common areas, as expected, they will remain closed to avoid gatherings and disinfectant gel will be available for both crew and customers. As a complete guarantee of privacy, in business class you can enjoy the Qsuite, equipped with individual compartments and that allow the doors to be closed completely , even activate the “do not disturb” option.


This latest update at Qatar Airways has added to the security measures that they had previously implemented. airplanes not only are disinfected regularly , but they have air filtration systems to ensure the complete elimination of bacteria.

Similarly, all objects used during flights, such as sheets, blankets or headphones, are disinfected rigorously and at high temperature . The same happens with cutlery and other utensils used in food services.

To this are added social distancing, both in seats and boarding of the passengers, as well as the limitation of the crew to interact with other people, due to the risk.

It is no surprise the change in travel, accommodations and requirements of companies that are renewed every day to offer safe flights but also calm. It's true, travel is changing, but it's also coming back.

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