Sheldon Chalet, the perfect place to see the Northern Lights in Alaska


The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

Most people who visit **Denali National Park,** in **Alaska**, will either by bus , often as an overland excursion, spending a day's journey from the town of Talkeetna; O well reserving a hotel near the park entrance.

Others will dare with a trip of panoramic views of several hours of duration to aboard a small plane to discover much more of the park; and some will choose spend the night inside the reserve, in one of the natural refuges in the Kantishna area, six hours and 144 kilometers from the entrance.

But now there's a new, more luxurious and private way to explore Denali. **Sheldon Chalet, the only exclusive-use** vacation villa in the entire park, welcomed its first group of guests in late February. located inside the Ruth Glacier and in the amphitheater of the Alaska Range, from this place you can see the northern lights.

Sheldon Chalet stands at about 1,800 meters above sea level, on a granite outcrop and in a snow-covered amphitheater of about 9,000 square meters. The show is in the views, where you give away from the top of Denali, the highest mountain in North America located just 16 kilometers from this place.

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

If the views and surroundings are impressive, the ecological chalet it is not for less with its five luxurious bedrooms, hexagon shaped . In addition, it has a team of experts made up of two guides, a chef and a concierge.

"It's ready to go," he says marne sheldon , who together with her husband, Robert, and her sister, Kate, they created this chalet on the family farm.

"You come and we take care of everything" , they explain.

Everything has a price, to be more exact: 19,000 euros per night with approximately one minimum stay of two nights . It is of those experiences that only happen once in a lifetime and in which every detail is memorable.

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

The Sheldon family has worked with Alaskan artisans so that everything is perfect. For example, the steel structure has a large window built with local wood, weather resistant and seismically safe . There is also another series of details that contribute to creating an atmosphere, such as a solid birch table made by craftsmen from Talkeetna.

The culinary aspect is related to the philosophy of the place: "We called it gourmet alaska : seafood, game and forage items," explains Marne.

The chalet may look new, but the history of the family goes back more than six decades in time. “My father laid claim to this place in 1950,” says Robert.

he was a visionary who, along with the founder of the Boston Museum of Science, Bradford Washburn, mapped this area. Therefore, he was able to claim the area under a family property act.

The law required that the operation be done as if it were a commercial enterprise, so he built a mountain house for backcountry enthusiasts passing by. Open since 1996, still welcomes people and lovers of the outdoors today.

"The original brochures of the day refer to 'Mountain House Number 1,'" says Robert. "My father was clearly planning more."

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

However, after he passed away in 1975, he did not develop any further. in 2015 , a year after the death of Robert and Kate's mother, was when this generation undertook the chalet project and finally discovered the plans in the family archives for the additional buildings his father had wanted erected.

Those who book a stay in the new chalet will discover a level of luxury that your predecessors probably never thought possible.

Over the course of a three-night stay, guests will be transferred to the cabin from Talkeetna on a 45-minute helicopter ride, then they will meet with glasses of champagne and what Marne calls "The Great Alaskan Seaside Show".

That night, during dinner, they will talk with the guides about what to do on your first day to make it complete: hike Ruth Glacier, build igloos, dig in snow caves, or simply enjoy the comfort of your cabin and the advantages offered by this natural enclave.

Winter nights are a great opportunity to observe the Aurora Borealis, while shooting stars can be seen every night of the year.

The second day can serve to discover a massive gorge as deep as the Grand Canyon with a midday picnic lunch.

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

The place to experience Alaska and its Northern Lights like you never imagined

The Sheldons have created a wide range of activities ; all those inside the amphitheater are included in the chalet rental price, while the others are available for additional fees. Helicopter transfers, all meals and most beverages are also included.

"My parents' goal for the original house on the mountain was that people live the most authentic experience possible here" says Robert, telling how this new project continues the legacy of his mother and his father.

"Above all, they wanted nature here to be respected and revered. That was the idea to help people appreciate it in turn.

*** Courtesy of Condé Nast Traveler USA **

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