Around the world on Valentine's Day


Around the world on Valentine's Day

Verona, city of love of Juliet and Romeo

AND he February 14th **is established in our brains as Valentine's Day **, although in other parts of the world, such as Colombia, it is in September. However, here the date does not matter, because what is important, the feeling, does not change, nor does the desire to do the impossible to achieve the desired true love or keep it for those who have already found it.

From climbing a mountain to caressing a statue, there are many ways to achieve it throughout the planet. Old traditions, which are rooted in local stories and legends, make room for new steps from best sellers such as those of the admired, and hated at the same time, Federico Moccia, who put as a toll to go through the hardware store and deal with the law to swear eternal love. In Denmark it is customary to send white pressed flowers, which they call snowflakes, and love letters with riddles to find out the sender. In South Korea it is the girls who send chocolates to their loved ones, and they respond a week later with flowers.

In the United States they are added to the school letters for Valentine's Day and in Great Britain they go into the kitchen to make sweets, although some women prefer to get up early to comply with the tradition of waiting at their window for the first man who passes by, since they say he will be the one to marry them that year. Rites and customs that spread throughout the world and that although they do not make much sense, nor do they work in 99% of cases, serve as food for the great feast of love.

Cities that witnessed unhappy loves or with happy endings, statues and monuments built for love They are also part of the fever of Valentine's Day and prompt declarations, petitions and passionate kisses in many parts of the world , despite the fact that some of them lack tradition for it. Anything serves to give wings to love, and you know, in love and in war, anything goes.

Paraphrasing to Paul Newman in one of his films, perhaps we can make some sense of this frantic search and it is true that what really differentiates people from each other is not that they are rich or poor, good or bad, but the fact that ever whether they loved or not.

For this reason, and in honor of Valentine's Day , we review the route of love around the world, attending to ancient and modern traditions, and setting new points chosen by Condé Nast Traveler to expand the places that make up the ground zero of love.

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