'La vie parisienne' in the middle of Piccadilly


Entrance of Brasserie Zedel the paradise of Art Dco

Entrance of Brasserie Zedel, the paradise of Art Deco

Located right next to Regent Street , the restaurant is included in an ambitious restoration process that the London City Council has carried out for three years to transform the so-called 'quadrant 3' , the mythical corner located in the heart of the city.

The Zedel building cannot have more history. It is the former Regent Palace Hotel , built between 1910 and 1913. The most renowned writers, models and artists of the time passed through its 800 rooms. Its proximity to Soho placed it at a strategic point. In the 1930s, The space was revitalized by Oliver Bernard, a revered set designer from the West End, who wanted to recover all its essence to give life to one of the most emblematic buildings in London, which now opens its doors with multiple functions: coffee, cabaret, cocktails… everything is possible.

The Grill Room Regents Palace Hotel in 1930

The Grill Room, Regents Palace Hotel in 1930

The gold leaf, the paintings, the marble, the bronze, the mirrors, the ceilings and even the paper that covers the walls have been meticulously chosen to create that Art Deco look . Many of the pieces belong to the same hotel. Once restored, they give that unique touch that Bernard wanted to achieve in his day. After all, the restoration work was based on the detailed investigations of the original 1930 designs and in the drawings and photographs that the set designer used in his day to impress his audience.

The building is completely magical. **When you open the door, you enter ZL Café **, a charming cafeteria that already immerses you in the wonderful world of Art Déco. It is the only floor facing the street.

To find the real treasure you have to go down a spectacular staircase with paintings of the time that take you to a hall full of glamour. You never get the feeling that you are in a basement because the false windows let in all the evening light.

Detail of The Crazy Coqs

Detail of The Crazy Coqs

There one finds different rooms. The largest and most majestic is the restaurant, a space where you can taste all the Delicatessen of French cuisine and at a very good price. Starters start at £2.25, which is truly exceptional in London.

In the other room is the Bar Americain , a select bar where you can find kind of cocktails to continue with the evening with the company of dim light. And lastly, there is The Crazy Coqs, another more intimate bar where you can eat and drink while enjoying a jazz or cabaret performance with artists coming from Las Vegas and all over the world.

A true spectacle worth seeing for those in love with past times and those who, from time to time, living in the present, also allow themselves to be seduced by the past century.

The Crazy Coqs the space for the cabaret Clock

Clock of The Crazy Coqs, the space for the cabaret

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