Science fiction capsules in the most futuristic hostel in Madrid


In 2015 we were already asking ourselves: are the trendy capsule hotels in Spain ? Now, six years later, he arrives at the center of Madrid the first example of this particular form of accommodation born in Tokyo as a response to the lack of space in the city.

It does so in the form of a hostel with science fiction cabins, inspired by the most acclaimed films of the genre: Blade Runner, Mars, Matrix, Alien, Star Wars… In fact, these tapes are what give their name to the seven rooms of Art Seven Hostel, which house a total of 56 capsules, 20 of them doubles.

The seven rooms of Art Seven Hostel house a total of 56 capsules

The new capsule hotel in Madrid is inspired by science fiction

The capsules are an evolution of the old bunk beds , as they offer more comfort and privacy, since the client can rest oblivious to what happens in the room. Ours also have an innovative and futuristic design and are equipped with USB chargers, light settings that can be changed to taste, smoke detectors, safe, television and air conditioning ”, explains Javier Vadillo.

See photos: These are the best hostels in Spain

The innkeeper, along with his daughter and another partner family, are working on getting Art Seven Hostel ready for the first half of October . “The works began in February 2020, but The accommodation has been closed for almost a year due to the delays caused by the health crisis , and as a consequence of the delay of the necessary paperwork to open ”, he assures.

The corridors and common areas also offer a cinematic and futuristic air , a concept that the owners want to promote beyond decoration. “At Art Seven Hostel we don't want everything to be sleep and rest: we will have surprise parties, galactic routes chasing stars, film festivals with national and international actors and actresses, presentations of short films and films…”, lists Vadillo. There will also be certificates in which the guests themselves will be able to participate with videos recorded with their own mobile.


Hostels are distinguished from hotels by offering more humble services and facilities, as well as community spaces –in this case, bathrooms and kitchen–. Therefore, consequently, they also have lower prices.

In the case of Art Seven Hostel, each single capsule will be offered for 25 euros , while doubles will cost 45 . Yes, the experience, although 'galactic', can be claustrophobic for many, but a price like this to sleep at few streets from the Plaza Mayor it is also – like the films on which the concept of this accommodation is based – science fiction.

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