Gastronomic dictionary (for smarties)


No Reservations

Catherine Zeta Jones learning from the master in 'No Reservations'

One of the reasons - there are so many - why I love the gastronomy it's because, after all, it's a simple pleasure . An honest pleasure, with no more folds than the layers of onion in the current quiche; a direct, extremely sensory and physical pleasure, no matter how cheesy they are who intends to elevate gazpacho to the category of La Montaña Mágica or Amour. Look, no. what a laziness . And it is that eating was something else, eating was a simple pleasure (a turbot, a sherry, a good pair of tits) whose purpose was to make them happy, no more . Fill the belly and a leisurely after-dinner meal. Eat, drink and “enrich your palate and your stomach, your spirit and your conscience”. Eat and drink. simple pleasures.

But the divo chefs arrived, the gourmet section in fashion magazines and that unsavory specimen called foodies . The press releases arrived, the "kitchen to reflect" and that sea monster with a hundred -thousand- tentacles called Instagram . The accounts departments and the cool hunters (kill me with sticks) arrived to tell us what they are going to take and what we are going to eat during the next season: “This winter the quinoa is sweeping, the pigeon is back and the tile tones in the sauces ”; there is not much left for a gastronomic catwalk, you will see. And like every start of the season, get ready for the avalanche of gastrotrends and panochadas . Today I sing the mea culpa and I give you this gastronomic dictionary so you can give the hit as a connaisseur.

Finger Food. No, it's not a Sasha Gray movie -hopefully, Sasha returns- it's the piggy naming that defines the kitchen that is eaten with the hands . Usually small bites, dishes from gastrobars or neo-taverns. And always present as an appetizer in any self-respecting gastronomic restaurant (those at Quique Dacosta or Azurmendi are fantastic, without going any further).

Social Dining. And his acolytes. In other words, clandestine restaurants, underground cuisine and supper clubs (secret restaurants). But my favorite is that hipster trend of eating at a stranger's house , with strangers: initiatives that transfer the comfort food (another term, yes) at its best (the dinners of Kinfolk are a benchmark) a new, different and exciting business model: private dinners "at the house of", many times clandestine; closed groups of strangers whose common bond is the love of food . For example **Social Eaters** or **Secret Food**.


Idyllic Picnic Hosted by Kinfolk in Austin

Trash cooking. I know it sounds horrible (sounds horrible) but the background is pretty. The thing is not about cooking with garbage but with the losses or discards (and our dear angel lion its strongest guarantor) that are not usually used in a product. There is an economic background, yes (it is what it is) but also a sustainable one: everything is used . We say yes.

Fooding. Master Philippe Regol explains it infinitely better than me: "Fooding is a culinary current, born in France, that defends a less haughty gastronomy available to those who want to cook or eat in a casual and playful way. As Sébastien Demorand did With the word "bistronomy", the journalist Alexandre Cammas did it with "food + feeling”. Fooding is having a good time and questioning (how healthy it is to question everything) the stiffness of haute cuisine. Fooding is StreetXO or Canalla Bistró . Fooding is informality, ruckus and letting go of prejudice three steps past the front door.

Food watchers. Those in the background, I don't want giggles. That's right, I said food watchers : food trend watchers . Guys who track the market, "a global professional community, called to design the food of the future" or so these guys from Food Mirror (they look like Melbourne, but no, they are from Biscay ) . In Metropolis can read eight gastrotrends detected by these ferrets foodies , like Eater_tainment or Egofood.

I ask myself a question: Did the ** cronut ** have been their thing? Or was it the work of Beelzebub himself?

Food porn. Food porn is a more than explicit expression to describe that phenomenon that turns food into objects of desire . We refer to that obscenely appetizing food that transforms a simple "shall we meet for a drink?" in an aesthetic of pleasure. Food porn, so that we understand each other once and for all, is the gasoline of Instagram . Visual lust, the stifle before the beauty of a perfect dish. The term has evolved from the easiest metaphor (meloton! ass! banana!) to the sensuality of the wonderful compositions of Aiala Hernando.

Mood Food, or the kitchen of happiness. The origin of the term comes from the hand of Drew Ramsey, author of The diet of happiness and professor at Columbia University: highly processed foods, with high amounts of sugar and toxins They not only cause obesity but also depression. And on the other side of the scale, certain foods activate brain neurotransmitters related to pleasure and good humor. Bananas, avocados, pineapple, chickpeas or strawberries. Eating healthy = smile on the face.

ChampagneSherry. Every wine lover ends their trip in Burgundy, Champagne and Jerez. This is how it is and I plan to cross the face of the smart person who has something to say about it with my glove. The connections between Champagne and Jeres are so deep, telluric and geographical (remember the genius: "Wines of second chances. Lime brothers and accomplices in time management in the dark") that it would take a thousand articles to even touch them. But write this down: I don't know if one day the gin and tonic will abandon us, but this is clear to me: ChampagneSherry is the new.

Gastrocanaperos. Goons, go.

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- The commandments of the gastrocanapero

- Eat, at your house or mine?

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