Spanish gastronomy to read it


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basque country

We acknowledge that of to travel we like absolutely everything, but being able to savor each destination hand in hand with gastronomy Local is one of our favorite things. Precisely to enjoy around a table, food through, in Spain we know a lot because we are truly fortunate to have such an exceptional and diverse gastronomic culture, tradition and heritage.

We select the best books to make gastronomic tourism without having to move from home, but also to put your recipes into practice in a return to Spain hand in hand with our best heritage: food. Just a warning, there are not all the communities that are, but they are all the ones that are.


Tour its eight provinces hand in hand with 70 recipes. That is the objective of the latest book by chef José Pizarro from Extremadura. A true tribute to Andalusian cuisine and the best journey through the tradition of a region that has made food a true art.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.


Before heading to Andalusia, Joseph Pizarro He made a route throughout Catalonia to create a recipe book with the best (gastronomically speaking) of his four provinces. In Catalonia: A gastronomic adventure There is no shortage of famous patatas bravas, but neither are rabbit rice or Catalan cream.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.


The award-winning chef from Madrid Rodrigo of the Street He has become one of the greatest experts in natural and vegetable cuisine, as well as an experienced rice cooker. His book Paella Power bears the same name as the rice restaurant that opened in 2018 in the St. Michael's Market and compiles, like his menu, a mix of traditional rice recipes and much more groundbreaking fusion versions. An ode to the art of preparing rice, as the canons dictate, and, incidentally, become a true expert.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.


To understand Madrid without cinema, art and the culture of La Movida It would be impossible, before, now and always. The Madrid Academy of Gastronomy believes that today the new wave of this revolutionary current is being experienced in the kitchens of the many innovative restaurants in the capital. An effervescent creative universe that comes to life in the pages of Madrid Gastro: La Nueva Movida, hand in hand with essential and historical names of the Madrid food scene.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.


We have talked so much about the gastronomy of the Basque Country, one of the most recognized in the world, that we find it interesting to explore it from a different perspective. the american Martin Buckley sign the one that probably is the book on basque cuisine most popular internationally. She has dubbed it **Basque Country: A Culinary Journey Through a Food Lover's Paradise** and she is the best guide (in English) for an American in San Sebastian.

basque country


basque country


Empanadas, seafood, meat and fish, stews and some of the most popular desserts in Spain. It's no secret that the Galician gastronomy It is one of the most varied and rich in our country. Alfonso López Alonso, responsible for the blog Recetas de Rechupete, brings all of them together in the book Galician cuisine , edited by Larousse.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.


In the case of Homo gastronomicus, the trip is destined for the Stone Age in Burgos Sierra of Atapuerca thousands of years ago and food of our ancestors as raw material to elaborate a series of recipes that are still valid today.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.


The Quijote is many things and among them a great review of the gastronomic history of Castilla la Mancha . The work of Cervantes becomes the best excuse for the Manchego gastronome Lorenzo Díaz to carry out an analysis of the culinary tradition of the community in quixotic key.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.


Talk about Spanish gastronomy It implies making it not only from a cultural heritage that is part of the 'Spain brand', but also from a level of excellence that is unique in the world and, of course, from history. Of the latter, above all, it deals old kitchen; more specifically of those stuffed eggs, shrimp cocktail and whiskey cake that were the height of the gastronomy in the last decades of the 20th century, although now it is difficult for us to recognize it. This is the star recipe book for nostalgics.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.

And of dessert , something sweet, as tradition dictates. In this case, in the form of the best recipes from authentic pastry and confectionery masters in our country. The Dulce book compiles more than one hundred desserts created by chefs of the stature of jordi rock , Alberta Adria, Andrea Dopico or Martín Berasategui, among many others.

Gastronomic books Spain.

Gastronomic books Spain.

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