Luxembourg will have free transport in 2020


Luxembourg will have free public transport.

Luxembourg will have free public transport.

Luxembourg It is one of the smallest countries in the European Union, but it is still the second country with the highest number of registered vehicles in the EU, behind Liechtenstein, with 662 cars per 1,000 drivers.

Namely, The most used means of transport by Luxembourgers is the car , according to Eurostat data in 2016 and 2017. Taking into account that it has 602 thousand inhabitants and 1.2 annual tourists, the issue of traffic jams in the capital is a priority.

Therefore, the government has launched **Modu 2.0**, a mobility project with several objectives proposed until 2025. The plan includes the modernization of the railway network, better cross-border connections and new exchange centers for trains, trams and buses with a state investment of 2.2 billion euros by 2023.

One of the star measures that would be launched in march next year would be that trains, trams and buses were free for all . In this way, they would try to curb the use of private transport and the widening gap between rich and poor.

Luxembourg is one of the richest countries in the OECD, but it is not exempt from spike in poverty In fact, and as the BBC points out, this It is the main reason why public transport will become free . 13% of workers and nearly 10% of retirees are at risk of poverty, according to the Luxembourg Statistical Office.

Also because of the growing number of cross-border workers, 175,000 estimates are another of the main causes of this measure . If they opted for public transport, the congestion and pollution of the main entrances to the city would be reduced.

Although the measure will be implemented in 2020, other improvements in access are already being carried out, for example, a good bicycle network. In addition, since this past summer, children and those under 20 years of age can now access public transport for free , and the price of the tickets was reduced to two euros for two hours of travel.

Thus, Luxembourg joins other capitals that have already implemented this measure, such as tallinn , the capital of Estonia, which in 2013 introduced the free public transportation. Currently, children travel for free, as well as adults traveling with children and residents registered in the city. While tourists do pay.

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