Journi, the app that can become your best travel companion


two girls taking a selfie in the mountains

Journi will help you document your escapades

They say the best thing about a trip is **planning it**, but of course we love it too reminisce once we have returned home. However, who, in the end, ends up ** putting together their travel album ** ? And let alone **his adventure log**!

To help us fix these holiday memories, born day . how do you tell us Andreas Roettl , co-founder and CEO of the app, it is "the photo diary app easiest in the world , which is very often used as travel diary ".

According to their data, it already accumulates over a million downloads , and is available in almost about twenty languages from all over the world -among them, Spanish-. "But the largest group of users is in Europe ", clarifies Roettl.

instant sunglasses and hat on a bed

Journi also allows you to print your travel photos


When we open the app, we are offered the option to start a journey , which we must classify under the headings of trip, getaway , daily life, family, baby, pets or others. If we click on travel, it asks us gps access to create a map with the route we have followed , and asks us: "What is the first place where you travel?".

After choosing the site, we can add route photos, in addition to a title, a cover, road impressions ...and invite followers and collaborators, who can be, for example, people with whom we have shared our adventure.

"With Journi you can automatically turn your memories into a story with a timeline , maps, text, flights, weather stickers , etc. It's a great way to store your memories in a safe place and reliable and share them live or at any other time with others. And in the end you can even make those memories see the light again converting them, with a single click, into an album Roettl explains.

travel map on a mobile

Journi will create a map of your trip automatically


Once you have finished your journey you can, as the CEO of the app points out, turn it into a printed book simply and quickly. Simply pressing the button to print , the algorithm will convert everything added into a professional looking album, that you can later modify to your liking.

Thus, Journi is able to transfer to your personalized album 1,000 photos in the amazing time 60 seconds. Of course, to upload that number of images to the app, which offers you storage space in your own cloud, It will take more or less time depending on the Connection that you have And they won't get on high quality, but yes in the necessary to be printed.

"The photos of the basic users are reduce to save on storage costs, but still, they are four times as big than, for example, those of Instagram", explains the CEO of Journi.

Thus, those who pay the premium version of the application can save their images no quality loss, in addition to having the possibility of using the application in a offline , sync your content across devices, and sync and export your stories to other clouds, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. Annual premium subscribers also get a 10% discount on all printed products.

The time it takes for your album to arrive home is more or less two weeks -which are shortened to one if fast shipping is contracted-, and receive it does not entail expenses. What is worth money is the album itself, the cost of which starts at €22.90 in the case of a A5 landscape 20 pages . "The price depends on the size and if you choose hard or soft cover; you can calculate more or less one euro per additional page," says Roettl, who also gives us two tips for minimizing that price: one, invite friends to the app - if they order a product, both of you will get five euros discount- and another, use a code gift to Traveler readers: the magic word is FIRSTBOOK.


Here comes the perhaps most obvious question: if we already have Facebook, Instagram, Google Photos... Why use Journi? Roettl tells us: "First of all, it works Without connection and you can decide who can see and follow your stories. Also, most of the time we share experiences with others, so Journi also allows you to create these stories between two or more users. Also, many of the things that the app offers are done automatically , such as creating the timeline, map, or Photo album , perform the dump of the content in the cloud either update friends and family , which makes it easier for people to use the app."

In fact, this social aspect of the app was not implemented from the beginning, because, as the CEO of the company recalls, the intention was document your experiences , no more. "But people started sharing those experiences, even in public ".

a mobile with the journi app

With Journi you can share every moment of your adventure

For this reason, the app now offers the opportunity to share your trips with acquaintances or strangers, and even follow the paths of others . "You can find these public stories in our section 'explore' , and there look for continent, country, region or city to see how others have traveled those places and **inspire you.** It's great to see something like that, because the stories on Journi tend to be very authentic and personal. One can see that users are actually creating that content for themselves , which makes it even more interesting for others to watch."

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