The Dog Museum in New York (and all the 2020 exhibitions not to be missed)


Four-legged furry ones are allowed here.

Four-legged furry ones are allowed here.

New York It has everything you could imagine in a city. It is so extremely complete that it even has a museum dedicated to the dog . This place for dog lovers, to which of course you can go accompanied by your pet, is located in Park Ave. , that is, in the heart of the city.

AKC Museum of the Dog was founded in 1982, and before its current location, it passed through The New York Life Building at 51 Madison Avenue and through Queeny Park, in Missouri, where it remained for 30 years.

This new location of the museum combines temporary exhibitions with high technology, it also keeps a permanent collection of 1,700 pieces and one library with 4,000 volumes . The vast majority are paintings that can be consulted online (and that are not wasted), but they also have ceramics and other works of great value.

Its objective is to preserve and disseminate the role of dogs in society and, above all, educate the public about "the human-canine bond through its art collection and exhibits."

A museum to delve deeper into the connection between humans and dogs.

A museum to delve deeper into the connection between humans and dogs.

This 2020 they start with very interesting exhibitions. Right now and until March 29 you can visit the exhibition Mush! A Tribute to Sled Dogs from Arctic Exploration to the Iditarod .

It is a tribute to sled dogs from around the world. Through the sample we know some of the stories of dogs that participated in expeditions through the Arctic with the admiral byrd , an important American explorer of the 20th century, in which Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies and Newfoundlands participated.

"They are very popular breeds, but many don't realize that every dog ​​was bred for a purpose and sled dogs still hold their purpose today," said Museum Executive Director Alan Fausel.

The current exhibition is about sled dogs.

The current exhibition is about sled dogs.

Three more exhibitions will also be held during the year. From April 7 to July 5 you can visit Dogs of War and Peace , from July 7 to September 6 The Golden Age of Hollywood Dogs ; and from September 15 to January 3, 2021, Presidential Dogs , about the dogs of the US presidents.

Although there is still a lot of time, 2021 already have their exhibitions planned : there will be room for dogs in fashion and science, beauty contests for dogs and race Fox terrier.

During the year there are also numerous events and workshops that you can attend. For example, Meet the Breeds , a class for everyone who wants to ask questions or learn about training and caring for their dog. Here you have more information to plan your visit.

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