Bretxa Market


Main facade of the La Bretxa Shopping Center

Main facade of the La Bretxa Shopping Center

Located in the shopping center of the same name, between the Kursaal Conference Center and the Town Hall, the Bretxa Market is a must visit place , either to buy in its many stalls of meat and fish, cheese, flowers, flowers or fruit, where the most famous restaurateurs in the area come to buy their raw materials , or simply to admire its architecture and unique atmosphere.

The construction of the neoclassical-style building dates back to 1870 and was designed by Antonio Cortázar, and its structure has been enlarged and modified on numerous occasions during the years to come.

The name of the market is closely linked to the history of San Sebastián ; When in the 18th century, the English soldiers assaulted the city, they did so by opening a breach in the wall that was located at the same point where the market is currently located. The place was known by the neighbors as "la Brecha", a name that remains until today.

Map: See map

Address: Plaza de la Bretxa, 1 - 20003 San Sebastian See map

Telephone: 00 34 943 430 076

Schedule: Mon - Sat: 08.00 am - 09.00 pm

Guy: markets

Official Web: Go to the web

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