Pokémon Go already has someone to complete it: Nick Johnson is the first trainer to achieve it


Pokémon Go already has someone who completes it Nick Johnson is the first trainer to achieve it

Pokémon Go, the game that everyone talks about

He announced it on Reddit on July 21. "I have hunted every pokemon currently available in the United States" , along with a screenshot of his Pokédex where the number of creatures seen and hunted appears. In all, 142. In the original video games that Pokémon Go is based on, there are 151. Of the remaining nine, Mr. Mime, Kangaskhan, and Farfetch'd are only available in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and Asia respectively. The other six (Articuno, Ditto, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres and Zapdos) have never been seen in the country and are not believed to be catchable yet, they explain on Buzzfeed.

Johnson has life. In fact, he has a job that he doesn't leave until 6:00 p.m. . It was at that moment when he began a second working day of walks through Manhattan and Brooklyn that, scratching hours off sleep, lasted until dawn. The result? He reached level 31, hunted 4,629 monsters, and hatched 303 eggs. He also walked 153 kilometers and lost 4.5 kgs.

Nick Johnson becomes the first Trainer to complete Pokémon Go

Pokédex of the first trainer to complete Pokémon Go

His 'pokemon' adventures and misadventures took place mostly in New York , where he hunted all the monsters except Dratini and Porygon. He found them in New Jersey. To find the first one, he traveled by train after another player informed him that he had found such a nest there. For the second, he resorted to the services of Uber, going around in circles until he found the Porygon that appeared on his radar

What will he do now? In addition to getting more sleep and getting his life back to normal, Johnson explained to Business Insider that he will continue playing pokemon go and he will help his girlfriend (who is also addicted to the game) to get hold of all the bugs. In addition, he claims to be contacting travel companies and start-ups to find out if they would be interested in sponsoring his trip around the world to complete his Pokémon collection.

Nick Johnson becomes the first Trainer to complete Pokémon Go

A couple plays Pokémon Go on the streets of New York

Johnson has given a series of tips for other players who want to follow in their footsteps and get all the pokémons available in their areas. Business Insider has picked them up:

- wear comfortable shoes.

- if you want the eggs to hatch (they do it according to the kilometers traveled) you have to walk straight . Walking in circles makes the terminal not recognize distances well.

- to pass the level faster, should focus on more common pokémons (Pidgey and Weedle) that require fewer candies to evolve, about 12 or 15, than other rarer ones that require up to 50 candies to do so.

- if you are willing to spend real money on the game, invest it in the incubators.

- and above all, do not stop playing with other people. "There are not many social aspects implemented, but It is a very social game. If you don't know where to find a specific Pokémon, ask your fellow coaches ! They tend to like to help.” He managed to get hold of a Dratini as well.

- use a second phone as a radar to be sure that you do not miss the appearance of any pokémon.

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