Sadelle's: New York's New Bagel King



the bagel king

the bagel returns Adam Platt, New York Magazine's well-known food critic, said last year. And his prophecy was fulfilled. First thanks to the opening of the restaurant of the classic Russ & Daughters store, which now also runs the cafeteria of the Jewish Museum on Fifth Avenue . And now with the arrival of Sadelle's , there are no doubts: the bagel is back in new york and besides, he has no intention of leaving anytime soon . Because it's not just coming back as a fast food sandwich, to take space away from tacos and hamburgers. It has also been established as star food of a quiet and relaxed meal , protagonist of a pleasant Sunday brunch, for example.


This, gentlemen, is the New York bagel temple.

And Sadelle's is proof. From their counter you can take some of the 12 varieties of bagels that are placed on long wooden sticks on the wall. And they are constantly coming out of the oven . But also get famous chocolate baka . And, of course, to the bagels you should add some of the three varieties of cream cheese (normal, vegetable or caper) and some of its smoked fish: the lox, Scottish salmon or sturgeon . Because if the bagel is the king, the smoked ones are its most faithful subjects.

Sadelle's Counter

Sadelle's Counter

And the best proof of this relationship of power and respect is Sadelle's Tower, the tower of dishes with all the varieties of smoked meats and different types of bagels that can be ordered in the restaurant part. A style previously reserved for sandwiches and cakes in the afternoon tea of ​​luxury hotels in New York, which now the bagel makes its own. Proving once again that he is back to stay.


Beyond the bagel there is life (little, but there is)

But also in the restaurant, the menu is much more extensive . Designed by chef, Melissa Weller, who came from Per se (one of the best in Manhattan) and Roberta's pizzeria in Bushwick , has eggs in all their possible forms (benedict, omelet, sandwich) , and typical soups of the Jewish table, such as matzo ball. But also salads, sandwiches and even dishes prepared for lunch chicken, shrimp or salmon.

It was one of the most anticipated restaurants and has met your expectations . They compare it to grandma's snacks. And the queues, above all, for the bakery counter keep the hype high . So be patient: remember the bagel is no longer fast food, it is THE KING.

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The bagel is back to stay and you'll find it on the other side of this door

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