It's coming! Christmas markets for your purchases in Barcelona


Palo Alto Market

Buy, buy, BUY


What to buy? Decorative objects, ceramics, jewelry or unique furniture. And, while not very giftable (except to yourself), don't forget the **delicious Caravan Made sandwiches**, which will also be present in the form of a pop-up restaurant.

November 20, 21 and 22, Mercantic de Sant Cugat del Vallés.

Singular Inventory Room

We'd take up the mannequins


What to buy? Alternative designer clothing and jewelery and gourmet products in the appropriate environment for it: a tower in the upper area of ​​the city.

November 20, 21 and 22, Passeig dels Til lers 1.


What to buy? Fabrics, toiletry bags, decorative pieces (with or without feline decoration) and the satisfaction of knowing that they collaborate with organizations that protect abandoned cats in Barcelona.

November 28 and 29, Crec, Carrer Blesa 27.

Tilos Market

Here you will find clothing and jewelry from alternative designers


What to buy? Clothing, accessories or jewelry for a good cause (AFANOC). Live music, food stalls, children's activities and a free beer for each attendee.


What to buy? Design objects, handmade and food stalls in one of the most popular and frequented monthly fixed markets.

December 5 and 6 and January 2 and 3, Carrer dels Pellaires 30

Palo Alto Market

One of the most frequented in Barcelona


What to buy? Basically, everything for almost nothing. Second-hand clothing, books, comics, or music at a single price of 1 euro. True recycling is this.

December 6 and January 3, Carrer Zamora 78.


What to buy? It would be easier to say what not to buy, because this market has become the aristocracy of handmade on its own merits and thanks to the immense variety of products from small workshops and artisans that it offers. Responsible consumption, good and beautiful.

December 12 and 13, Maritime Museum.

Two Market

Second-hand clothing, books, comics and music


What to buy? The market of the creators of Barcelona Etsy guarantees handcrafted pieces from small local creators. Proximity jewelry, illustration or decorative pieces.

**December 12 and 13, University building (Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585) **


What to buy? Vintage and second-hand treasures with a special presence of clothing and accessories in one of the most popular and veteran markets. The most modern favourite.

December 12 and 13, station of France.


What to buy? Second-hand objects in the spirit of the best flea market, every second Sunday of the month. They also organize the Fleadonia (Plaça de Salvador Seguí), which will be held this December on the 6th and 20th, with performances by DJs and children's activities.

December 13, Plaça Blanquerna.

Flea Market

The best spirit of the flea market


What to buy? Designer products, mainly clothes and accessories, in the unique space of the arches of the Convent of Sant Agustí.

December 19 and 20, Sant Agustí convent

the red shoe

Clothing and accessories from Barcelona designers


What to buy? Graphic work of illustrators and artists at prices not ojiplatantes.

_December 19 and 20, Miscelanea room (Carrer Guardia 10) _

Dress Your Wall

Don't worry, here you won't have to sell a kidney to decorate your walls


If what you are looking for is Christmas decoration, a tree, ornaments for it or pieces of the Nativity Scene, it is the traditional one Fair of Santa Llúcia where you should go Two are celebrated in Barcelona, ​​the one for the Cathedral (November 27-December 23) and the one for the sacred Family (November 28-December 23), ideal to find the caganer with the face of a famous character that you were missing or to replenish your stock of mistletoe and garlands. You never have too many.

Follow @Raestaenlaaldea

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