Tell me what you're like and I'll tell you which celebrity to travel with


Tell me what you're like and I'll tell you which celebrity to travel with

Tell me what you're like and I'll tell you which celebrity to travel with

1. When you travel...

**a) ** You like to improvise

**b) ** The main thing is to feel comfortable

**c) ** You seek experiences that fulfill you spiritually

**e) ** The important thing is to rest

**f) ** You can't stop going to parties and events

**g) ** What interests you is spending time with your family

two. When you take a plane...

**a) ** You never know exactly what to wear. You always end up drawing attention

**b) ** You go smart and casual

**c) ** You wear basics, but still keep your charm

**d) ** Jeans and T-shirt, always!

**e) ** You don't lose style: you wear the same as every day

**f) ** You can not miss a cap to lower in case you want to take a snooze

3. Your ideal vacation...

**a) ** They need clubs and parties

**b) ** They must include some body of water: rivers, seas, lakes...

**c) ** They are in a very different culture than mine

**d) ** They have the beach as an essential element

**e) ** Require a shopping route

**f) ** They keep a very special place for the fun of the little ones


Beyonce the sand mermaid

Four. For the photos of the trip you prefer...

**a) ** SELFIES , selfies all the time!

**b) ** Pose as God brought you into the world

**c) ** Photograph the landscape and the people you meet

**d) ** Be as natural as possible

**e) ** Make faces

**f) ** Getting our perfect snapshot to post on social media

5. Let's talk about hotels... Do you like them...

**a) ** Modern and original

**b) ** Timeless and comfortable

**c) ** With a local touch

**d) ** Luxurious, yet discreet

**e) ** With many activities available

**f) ** Luxury: Why settle for less?

6. What can not be missing in your suitcase?

**a) ** Lots of clothes!

**b) ** A good pair of jeans

**c) ** Space to return with local crafts

**d) ** Sunglasses

**e) ** The dryer

**f) ** Very comfortable shoes

7. What characteristics are necessary in your perfect travel companion?

**a) ** Must be fun and have energy to spare

**b) ** Must have a great sense of humor

**c) ** You have to be a born explorer

**d) ** Must be a bon vivant

**e)** I need you to sign up for a blitz

**f) ** You have to like playing sports


Your ideal partner is...

Majority of a) : Miley Cyrus . A free and provocative spirit like yours would have a great time discovering the world with the charismatic singer. You have infinite energy, so it would be necessary to see who tires out who before among laughs, games and party until dawn.

Majority b) : Paco León. His wit and sense of humor will ensure you have a good time in any situation. In addition, the actor and director seems like a sincere guy who knows how to let go, two great traits for a good travel companion.

**Majority of c) ** The Jolie-Pitt They are your perfect friends. The three of you are "transcendental" travelers, and you seek to immerse yourself one hundred percent in the culture that welcomes you and, incidentally, learn as much as possible about the place, its people and yourselves.

**Most of d) ** Beyonce and Jay Z either... Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem . These two couples like simple but resounding pleasures, just like you. With them you would have a great time relaxing in the sun and enjoying good food and better accommodation. The conversation would be fluid, but these fellow travelers are, thank God, the kind that sometimes shut up for a while and allow you moments of relaxation and intimacy.

Most of e) Alaska and Mario they are the time bomb you have been waiting for on your vacation. You'd never get bored with them: concerts, exhibitions, inaugurations, parades... Besides, you'd never get tired of hearing their crazy anecdotes.

Most of f) Shakira and Piqué are family members, like you , and a beach is enough for them to have a good time. That yes, they are not going to stay all the time toasting in the sun: running on the sand, riding a boat or sailing on a jet ski are some of the activities that they will want to share with you and, of course, with their little ones.

*** You may also be interested in...**

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- All articles by Marta Sader

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