10 European cities where you will not be able to wear your best heels


Torre de Belén Lisbon

Resting the feet in the Tower of Bethlehem, Lisbon

If your trip is for work you will have to assess the visual impact of your props, but if your goal is to discover all its secrets and not want to pass out in the hotel at six in the afternoon You should keep in mind that the cobblestones, so decorative and flirty, are very treacherous. Don't pack your suitcase with your seven best pairs of heels if you won't have room to fit a spare pair of sneakers, in case you get caught in a downpour or your feet go on strike. Those things happen. Shit happens.

During the day you will want to sniff out all its corners, photograph its best boulevards, climb its viewpoints and walk agile among centuries-old alleys. If the crisis allows it, it is possible that you will accumulate bags full of whims that bore your name . It is better that you bet on comfortable shoes and reserve your most groundbreaking heels for a stellar and nocturnal intervention, when the promise of your bed surrounded by soft rugs looms like a beacon in the fog.


The great European capitals give a lot of themselves, and although on a first visit it is impossible to cover everything, it is very likely that the desire to know will lead you to walk a few more kilometers. Get comfortable.


Go up Alfama, go down Alfama, don't forget to take the Santa Justa elevator and buy something in the avant-garde shops of the Uptown , which, as its name indicates, is on top. Take a photo in any of its yellow trams, don't forget the mythical 28 and take your time to immortalize the impressive views of its neighborhoods from its main essential viewpoints that of Doors of the Sun , the one of St. Lucia and the one of San Pedro de Alcántara-Ah , and remember that the Castle of Saint George , with tremendous views over the Tagus, is also a bit high. Also remember that this whole festival of slopes is accompanied by their respective cobblestones. Save your heels for the sensual Lisbon nights.

In Lisbon, children surf the trams

In Lisbon there are children who surf the trams


It is one of the largest cities in Europe. Yes, extensive, long to walk. In return you will be amazed by its coquettish architecture of low houses and gardens, even in the most central areas of the city. Although the cobblestone is not the guest star, the many miles you will want to cover will leave you with a resounding pain in the feet if you are not forewarned. The metro is an alternative, remember that it has countless stairs and long corridors, but there are areas, such as the one that starts next to the Thames with the westminster abbey and the Houses of Parliament, trafalgar square, Piccadilly Circus , the soho Y Covent Garden that it is better to discover on foot. The best thing would be for you to move by public transport from neighborhood to neighborhood, and once in the area, assess how much you want to kick with a map. If the body asks you to walk softly, you are in luck, take advantage the many city parks.

Piccadilly Circus

the mythical square of Piccadilly Circus


a rise to notre-dame in heels and your day is done. This is not to mention the romantic and endless stairs that take you to Montmatre or the delicious cobbled alleys. Traps and more traps. You can not stop walking the Champs Elysees here you may miss your heels but only for aesthetic reasons or forget to visit the louvre , with its thousand temptations and its infinite rooms. Nor is the ground easy on the Latin Quarter , and although the pavement is even on the charming pavements of the Marais, by then you will have had to cross the Seine at the Pont Neuf, so the odometer will keep on going. And your foot pain his.

The gargoyles of Notre Dame

The gargoyles of Notre Dame

Four. ROME

Deliciously historic Rome is full of foot traps. Cobblestone streets, slopes that don't seem like it but that end up taking their toll, and a lot of desire to see everything. If you have little bottom a full turn to the Vatican Square can leave you gasping, all this without counting the obligatory visit to the Colosseum, the photo on the stairs of the Spain Square , or the inescapable walk through the Trastevere . It would be a sin for you to discover these corners pending a sore foot.

Vatican Square

Vatican Square located at the foot of the Vasilica


The beauty of Prague precedes the eye. Before arriving you will have already heard hundreds of times that it is a round city, perfect for taking a bath in aesthetics. It is true, but it is also true that despite its affordable size, you have to walk it, and that means taking many steps on cobblestones that are not always kind to your feet. Get on St. Vitus Cathedral , go down, walk the jewish quarter , Walk the Bridge of Carlos , hallucinate with the art of Kampa Museum , return to the center, look for a tasty brewery, find an artisan puppet that seems to be talking… there are many temptations that you will want to enjoy in Prague, and to help you, do not forget to follow the route of its best coffees. Very stimulating.

The Museum Kampa located on the most beautiful island in Prague

The Museum Kampa, located on the most beautiful island in Prague


They are affordable to walk, it is more tremendously recommended, but step by step fatigue arrives and it would be a shame if you missed something important.


The music commands the charming little Austrian town, but it is impossible for you to stay without going up to the Castle to enjoy an unforgettable view. The centennial cobblestone is a constant and missteps can also be. You should enjoy your elegant squares with comfort and without laziness, letting yourself be carried away by the whim, going in and out of its souvenir shops and never losing the desire to discover a new corner.




Segovian women have known for years that the cobblestone is to blame. There is no turning back, or comfort, or slip. If it's the first time you're going, don't risk it, it's full of slopes and full of cobblestones, even if your prize is a good long table lamb. Visit the Alcazar it is an arduous task if you do not step firmly, especially if you want to climb the Torre del Homenaje, and the same happens with its Jewish quarter or with the many alleys that wind around the Cathedral. Go safe and wear the desire to return.

tower of tribute

The Torre del Homenaje or Torreón is the central structure of the medieval castle


The scene of the most tragic love story of all time it is carved in stone and its foundations rest on solid cobblestones. A considerable old quarter, where of course the juliet's house , but also the wonderful amphitheater, which since you are there you will also have to see. Do not forget to look for your special places, charming restaurants, unique craft shops and a lot of daring corners in the most photographable Italian style.


This small town, perched on a hill and protected by solid walls, knows a lot about slopes. Very much, so much so that almost all its streets also seem about to slip away. White cobblestones and lots of little squares where painters like Chagall or Renoir let inspiration take over. Frequented by artists of all time Saint Paul is a delight to discover halfway between Provence and the Côte d'Azur.

Saint Paul de Vence

Saint Paul an intimate and secluded haven


It is clear that Diocletian never wore heels. There is no more to enter the split old town to realize that here it is best to play it safe. The cobblestones are white, large, smooth and slippery. But they are worth kicking. The little streets that surround the magical palace that the Roman emperor ordered to be built as a retreat, are full of excuses to disengage from the tourist flow and investigate on your own. Thus you will discover patios designed by flowers and clean sheets hanging in the sun, incomprehensible graffiti and a few design shops determined that the 21st century reaches one of the best preserved old towns in Europe.

Diocletian's Palace an art treatise with a life of its own

Diocletian's Palace: an art treatise with a life of its own

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