Around the world of 'Naranjito', Jorge Sierra's docushow on RTVE


Jorge Siera and Naranjito in the desert of Peru

Jorge Sierra and "Naranjito" in the desert of Peru

His challenge was to go around the world without GPS, without a mobile phone, or a laptop. . Are you one of those who admire globetrotters but do not dare to follow in their footsteps? Don't worry, from your sofa you can go 54 countries across four continents in 16 episodes.

“I think you are going to like the freshness of the series” - Jorge Sierra comments to Traveler - “it is undoubtedly a different program, since in its entirety has been recorded by myself , which gives it a somewhat naive and very attractive touch”. There is no script or production , but the reflection of the adventures of a globetrotter in the first person: “what I set out to do, and I think it has been achieved, is to show the journey of an ordinary person, so that everyone who sees it feels reflected; in this program there is no room for what is programmed, for the theater ”.

You can see the trailer here . Have a good trip!

Very soon you will meet Naranjito

Very soon you will meet "Naranjito"

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Jorge Sierra and his Naranjito

Jorge Sierra and his "Naranjito"

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