Magic takes over the Royal Castle of Blois



Let the show begin!

The courtyard of Royal Castle of Blois, in the Loire Valley, has been hosting the story of France's history for more than a quarter of a century in a fascinating way: through a sound and light show that captivates the viewer from the first moment.

Last year, 'The story of Blois' (Ainsi Blois vous est conté), inaugurated a new format based on immersive special effects and monumental projections , which we can attend throughout the summer.

Romances, tragedies, secrets and adventures they come to life on the four façades of the castle, making even the most skeptical believe in magic for a moment.


The history of France comes to life on the façade of the castle


After being the residence of the counts of Blois and the dukes of Orleans , and the favorite abode of seven kings and ten queens of France and princes in exile, to this day, the Château Royal de Blois is inhabited by the memory of its occupants and its illustrious visitors.

The Château de Blois opens the Route of the Châteaux of the Loire and allows to contemplate the architectural and artistic styles. It is one of the Loire castles that were declared Heritage of humanity by unesco in 2000 and its history well deserves a show to match.


thousand years of history


Music and voices floating in the air, video mapping, filming, live action scenes... the technologies used to design this novelistic set have made it possible to create an eccentric universe never before seen in Blois.

The technique of video mapping (able to recreate movements), combined with the insertion of scenes filmed especially for the new setting , reinforces the stories of famous episodes in French history in which the characters seem to come to life.

The visits of Joan of Arc and Ronsard, the plots hatched by Henry III to assassinate the Duke of Guise, Thibaud the Trickster, Gaston d'Orleans... twelve sequences made with the most cutting-edge technology paradoxically immerse the audience in a trip to the past.

Robert Hossein, Pierre Arditi and Fabrice Lucchini give voice to the words written by Alain Decaux while on the walls the flames of flickering candles burn, the fire ascends, the roses climb to infinity and the rain rings in every corner.

The show is held every night until September 29 at 10:30 p.m. in July and August and at 10 p.m. in September.

You can buy your tickets** here. **


Magic at nightfall

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