Cities that will succeed in 2020


Cities that will succeed in 2020

Cities that will succeed in 2020

Those that will set trends; the ones that will make us dream. From north to south and from east to west, There are 21 cities worth traveling to in 2020 .

The reasons are varied: perhaps we have chosen them for their celebrations -some, like Brasilia, have birthdays-, for their tributes -like the one from Vienna to Beethoven on the 250th anniversary of his death- or, simply, because we have discovered that they are one of the best places to eat in the world -as it happens with Vilnius, a secret still for the majority-.

In Spain we have decided to be obvious for a great reason: Madrid will debut great hotels, new luxury rooms, full of unforgettable details, design... that will be part of the trip of those who decide to stay in them. Madrid, whatever happens, always has to be there.

In addition, we delve into the other cities. Those that, misnamed "secondary", seem to lose light next to the big capitals. Nothing is further from reality. It is the case of Goteborg in Sweden either Rijeka in Croatia , which mark the pulse of the country with its cultural offer and its calm but incessant run-run, which always makes us think that "something is cooking here".

Be that as it may, they all have something that makes them special, and that will make next year shine brighter than ever.

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