In León we are not dry, we are


Kadabra Brewery Terrace

Kadabra Brewery Terrace

There is an old verse in León's anthem that goes like this: "Without León there would be no Spain"... Wait, wait, don't go directly to 'trolling' me, give me two minutes of reading so that I can explain to you that the 99% of hop production with which the country's beer barrels are made is produced in this province . And what does this have to do with you, that you're cooling off in a beach bar in Cádiz or dancing at an alternative electronic music festival?

Well, a lot, because the Mediterranean lifestyle that we show off would be nothing without this Authorized ingredient in the Beer Purity Laws by the Bavarian Duke Wilhelm IV in the 15th century. Desolate Madrid without reeds after work. Goodbye to the Barcelona Beer Festival. Imagine an Andalusia without Cruzcampo (ahem). Things change, right!

Naughty Brew Pub

Naughty Brew Pub

We are the fourth European beer producing country and this is largely due to the Leonese hop producers. So the next time you see news on the news about the drought that is ravaging León and the water restrictions that are influencing its agriculture, you better not change the channel. Just stop for a moment and think of a world watered by a drink that is infective **(hops have an antibiotic effect against some bacteria)** and less foamy. A world in which we would pair that beer (we could change its name) with churros and Neapolitans because the sweetness of the malt would dictate it.

Kadabra Hall

Kadabra Hall

After the recent hailstorms and waiting to know, at the end of its total harvest, the percentage of losses in hop cultivation (estimated at 30% due to drought), we invite you to visit the province and Get to know this unknown beer culture from Leon a little better (Another day we will tell you the story of the man from Leon who emigrated to Mexico and invented a beer called Corona, Coronita in Spain until recently for a trademark registration issue).

In León capital we always 'went' to ** La Céltica ** _(Cervantes street, 10) _, now we also go to the ** Four Lions Brewery ** _(Sierra Pambley street, 6) _ and I'm sure we we'll drop by the new **Cazurra Brew Pub** to try their beer ‘made in León’ (I will go tomorrow, first because I am curious, second because I feel identified with the name and third because he was born in Santa Olaja de la Ribera, my town).

Another local craft beer that has also been forced to open a branch, at 5 Calle Regidores, for the enjoyment of its faithful followers is Kadabra , awarded in a European contest.

Kadabra Brewery Terrace

Kadabra Brewery Terrace

In El Bierzo they are more than mixing and add to the formula zero mile ingredients, What chestnuts (Rivada) or pure high mountain bee honey ( Castrena ). Get them online if you prefer, but a visit to this region bordering Galicia should not be missing from your beer plans.

Also note this: at the ** Wolfram ** microbrewery _(Calle Circunvalación, 27) _, in Camponaraya, they hold interesting tastings with master brewers who explain the production process step by step.

What do you think now that we are (somewhat) indispensable in your life, even though you continue to think that we are (somewhat) dry?

Cazurra Brew Pub Lounge

Cazurra Brew Pub Lounge

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